Tax Impacts of Legalization
- Cannabis Tourism A $17 Billion Industry
- Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister
- Isle of Man economic diversification plan
- America’s 2015 Marijuana Sales
- Colorado Publishes Pot Sales Data
- America’s 2015 Marijuana Sales Higher Than Dasani, Oreos
- Massive Drop in Arrests and Millions in Tax Revenue
- Decriminalization of marijuana opens doors
- Earmarking Excise Taxes on Recreational Cannabis for Investments in Mental Health
- How Missouri Spends Its Legal Marijuana Revenue
Cannabis and Alcoholism
- Cannabis Is Exactly 114 Times Less Toxic Than Alcohol
- Cannabidiol protects liver from binge alcohol-induced steatosis
- Marijuana Is Much Safer Than Alcohol And Tobacco
- Comparative risk assessment of alcohol,tobacco, cannabis
- Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol
- Cannabidiol for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Damages on the Liver and the Brain
Testimonials from Cannabis users.
- Living with endometriosis
- Canadian Cannabis Survey 2022
- Majority in Finland
- Sir Patrick Stewart
- Why I traded in my wine for weed
- Carl Sagan
- Meet users’ right to good health, says UN adviser
- An international cross-sectional survey on administration forms
- NCAA Recommends Removing Marijuana From Banned Substances List
- 5% of Irish Doctors Regularly Smoke Cannabis
Announcement: Suggested Legislation for Legalization is available here
Cancer specific Research
- Marijuana and Cancer
- Studies Showing an Anti-Cancer Effect
- Cannabis and Cannabinoids for Cancer Health Professionals
- Cannabinoids: a new hope for breast cancer therapy?
- Opioid- and Pain-Related Outcomes Among Patients Diagnosed With Cancer
- CBD From Marijuana Plus Chemotherapy Tripled Cancer Survival Rates In Mice
- Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits lung cancer
- Cannabis for Breast Cancer
- Cannabis for Colorectal Cancer
- Cannabis for Breast Carcinoma
- Cannabinoids increase lung cancer cell death
Public Health
- Correlates of cannabis-associated psychotic symptoms in over 230,000 people.
- Cannabis as a substitute
- Assessing Regular Cannabis Users Through Health Indicators
- Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization on Vehicle Accident Rates.
- Marijuana may be even safer
- Comparative risk assessment of alcohol,tobacco, cannabis
- Can Marijuana Ease the Opioid Epidemic?
- WHO Report on CBD
- Impact of Marijuana Smoking on COPD Progression
- Are cases of schizophrenia rising?
- Medical Marijuana and Traffic Fatalities
- CDC report on marijuana abuse
- Marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington
- After California decriminalized marijuana, teen effects.
- The Lawless Hellscape Washington Has Become
- Psychosis is the last marijuana side effect you should be worried about
- Marijuana Statistics in the US 2023
- Is Marijuana Really a Gateway Drug?
- US Traffic Fatalities, 1985–2014, and Their Relationship to Medical Marijuana Laws
- The effect of marijuana legalization on neighborhood crime
- Associations between cannabis use and perinatal outcome in a population-based study
- Maternal Marijuana Use and Adverse Neonatal Outcomes
- Cannabis and pregnancy: Maternal child health implications during a period of drug policy liberalization
Cannabis for Medical Use
- Cannabis therapy in Complex PTSD
- Cannabinoid Therapeutics in Chronic Neuropathic Pain
- Cannabidiol protects liver from binge alcohol-induced steatosis
- Medical Cannabis in Parkinson Disease
- Cannabinoids produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects
- How Cannabinoids Quell Anxiety
- Mental health symptoms and cannabis dependence: Triangulating the evidence
- Cannabinoid Ameliorates Inflammation in Crohn’s Disease
- Minor Cannabinoid Therapeutic Uses
- Safety and Comparative Effectiveness of Cannabinoids for Improvement of Sleep
- Cannabis for Autism
- Cannabis Use and ADHD
- Cannabis for Epilepsy
- Cannabis for Arthritis
- Cannabis and Alzheimers
- Cannabis for Leukemia
- Cannabis use in patients with fibromyalgia
- Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Cannabis
- Cannabis and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Cannabis for Depression and Anxiety
- Comparison of Persistent Cannabis vs Tobacco Users
- Cannabis for Parkinson disease
- Cannabis for Neuropathic Pain
- Sleep health and pain in patients with chronic neuropathic pain
Cannabis and Driving
- Marijuana Mile: Driving test
- Impact of marijuana on driving
- Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization on Vehicle Accident Rates
- KIRO tests pot-smoking drivers to find out
- The effect of recreational cannabis legalization on rates of traffic injury in Canada
- Study on Traffic Fatality rates after Legalization
- Cannabis effects on driving lateral control with and without alcohol
- Did the cannabis recreational use law affect traffic crash outcomes in Toronto?
- Canada’s cannabis legalization and drivers’ traffic-injury presentations in Ontario and Alberta, 2015-2019
- Crash Fatality Rates After Recreational Marijuana Legalization in Washington and Colorado
- Residual blood THC levels in frequent cannabis users
- The failings of per se limits to detect cannabis-induced driving impairment
- On the impact of cannabis consumption on traffic safety
- Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis
- The risk of being culpable for or involved in a road crash after using cannabis
- Driving Performance and Cannabis Users’ Perception of Safety A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Relationships between cannabis legalization and fatal motor vehicle and pedestrian-involved crashes
- State Marijuana Laws and Traffic Fatalities
- Medical cannabis and automobile accidents: Evidence from auto insurance
- Driving While Stoned: Issues and Policy Options
- Cannabis use as a risk factor for causing motor vehicle crashes
- Marijuana Use and Highway Safety
Articles on Addiction
- Teen arrest, overdose and dropout rates after Legalization in California.
- Comparative risk assessment of alcohol,tobacco, cannabis
- Marijuana Is Much Safer Than Alcohol And Tobacco
- Confessions of a pot addict
- My Battle with Psychological Weed Addiction
- More people are using marijuana, but fewer are abusing it
- Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol And Cigarettes—And Is Less Addictive Than Technology
- Marijuana Use Is Associated with Improved Retention in Naltrexone Treatment for Opiate-Dependence
- Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs
- Treat opioid addiction with marijuana?
- Can Marijuana Ease the Opioid Epidemic?
- Marijuana Dependence and Its Treatment
- Is Marijuana Addictive?
- Drug Use is Not the Same as Addiction
- How Do You Know if You’re Addicted to Weed?
- What is “California sober”
- Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs
- Can Cannabis be Considered a Substitute Medication for Alcohol?
- Things That Happened When I Tried to Quit Weed
- Substituting cannabis for prescription drugs
- Cannabis for Detox from Opioids
Adolescent and Teen trends
- What happens to teens when you make pot legal
- Marijuana not a gateway drug
- After California decriminalized marijuana
- Evidence Using Border Analysis and Retail Sales Data
- Long-Term Effects of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functions
- marijuana use doesn’t lower your IQ
- A Mother’s Letter to Her Son About Drugs
- Effects of Cannabis Legalization on Adolescents
- Daily Marijuana Associated with Brain Measures in Adolescents
- Cannabis abstinence among non-treatment seeking youth alcoholics
- Alcohol and Other Substance Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among High School Students
- Canada’s police-reported cannabis-related criminal incidents among youth, 2015–2021
- Effects of legalizing recreational cannabis on newly incident cannabis use
- Impact of cannabis legalization in Uruguay on adolescent cannabis use
- Effects of Cannabis Legalization on Adolescent Cannabis Use Across 3 Studies
Cannabis and Brain Health
- Marijuana’s long-term effects on the brain demonstrated
- Parents Want Epilepsy Treatments
- Neurogenesis Gives Birth To New Neurons In the Brain
- THC Encourages Neuroplasticity In The Brain
- How does cannabis affect the brain?
- Medical Marijuana May Reduce Frequency of Migraines
- Effects of Medical Marijuana on Migraine Headache Frequency
- A chronic low dose of THC restores cognitive function in old mice
- Effect of marijuana use on outcomes in traumatic brain injury
- Cannabinoids produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects
- Cannabidiol as a treatment for drug-resistant focal epilepsy
- CBD’s Anxiety Relief Is Due To Neurogenesis
- Acute and Long-Term Effects of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functions
- Neurocognitive consequences of marihuana—a comparison with pre-drug performance
- Spatial Working Memory in Adolescent Marijuana Users
- Cannabidiol’s neuroprotective properties and potential treatment of traumatic brain injuries
- Medicinal Cannabis in Patients With Brain Cancer
- Treatment of treatment-resistant, chronic cluster headache
- The relationship between cannabis use and IVF outcome
- Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children after prenatal marijuana exposure
Cannabis and Mental Health
- Cannabis Legalization and Psychosis-Related Health Care Utilization
- Couples’ marijuana use is inversely related to their intimate partner violence
- Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicides
- Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Analgesic Overdose Mortality in the United States, 1999-2010
- Associations between adolescent cannabis use and neuropsychological decline
- Recreational cannabis legalization effects on a wide range of adult psychiatric and psychosocial outcomes
- Long-term behavioral and biochemical effects of an ultra-low dose of THC
- High-cannabidiol treatment for anxiety
- Benzodiazepine Use in Patients Prescribed Medical Cannabis
- No evidence to suggest cannabis use causes schizophrenia-so why do some people think it does?
Legal Status of Cannabis in various jurisdictions:
- A Guide to Marijuana Legalization in the US
- Guide To Cannabis in Europe
- Summary of international legal frameworks for Cannabis
- Cannabis Legalization World Map
- Italy court rules home-growing cannabis is legal
- The Full Story Behind Why Marijuana Is Illegal
- Cannabis in Italy
- Criminal Justice 2018. Impacts of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado
- Marijuana Legalization and Crime Clearance Rates in Colorado and Washington State
- Effects of Drug Policy Liberalization on Public Safety
- European Cannabis Social Clubs Explained
- Colorado Governor Signs bill for Marijuana-Related Protections For Working Professionals
- Mainz – first in line to have cannabis coffee shops in Germany
Frequently Asked Questions
- Myth: Cannabis is a Gateway Drug
Fact: Research has debunked the notion of cannabis as a gateway drug, suggesting that the majority of cannabis users do not go on to use harder substances.
- Myth: Legalization Leads to Increased Youth Usage
Fact: Studies from regions where cannabis has been legalized have shown no significant increase in cannabis usage among young people.
- Myth: Cannabis has no Medicinal Value
Fact: Cannabis has been found to have medicinal properties that can aid in pain relief, anxiety management, and various other medical conditions.
- Myth: Cannabis Legalization will lead to Increased Road Accidents
Fact: While concerns around impaired driving are valid, education, regulation, and robust law enforcement can mitigate these risks.
- Myth: Cannabis Legalization will Result in Widespread Abuse
Fact: Legalization can enable better regulation and education, which are key to preventing abuse.
- Myth: Legalization will Result in a Loss of Productivity
Fact: There’s no substantial evidence to support the claim that cannabis legalization leads to decreased productivity. In fact, some studies suggest that medical cannabis can improve quality of life, which may enhance productivity.
- Myth: Cannabis Legalization is a Slippery Slope to Legalizing All Drugs
Fact: Each substance has its own unique profile of risks and benefits, and the discussion around legalization should be nuanced and substance-specific. The end of alcohol prohibition did not cause cannabis legalization.
- Myth: Cannabis is Highly Addictive
Fact: Cannabis has a lower addiction rate compared to substances like alcohol and nicotine.
- Myth: Legalization will lead to Increased Crime
Fact: Legalization can actually lead to a reduction in certain types of crime by moving the cannabis market out of the shadows.
- Myth: Cannabis Legalization will Burden the Healthcare System
Fact: Cannabis legalization can potentially lead to a reduction in the use of other, more harmful substances like opioids, which in turn could lessen the burden on the healthcare system.
- Myth: Cannabis Impairs Long-term Cognitive Function
Fact: While heavy use, especially in adolescence, may have cognitive effects, moderate use by adults appears to have minimal, if any, long-term impact on cognition.
- Myth: There’s a Strong Link Between Cannabis Use and Psychotic Disorders
Fact: While there may be a link between heavy cannabis use and psychotic disorders, the relationship is not casual. Many individuals with pre-existing conditions self-medicate with cannabis as a cheaper alternative.
Rates of psychosis did not increase in jurisdictions after legalizing cannabis as noted with this study.
- Myth: Cannabis Causes Lung Cancer
Fact: Unlike tobacco, cannabis has not been conclusively linked to lung cancer. Some studies suggest that cannabis may even have anti-cancer properties, though more research is needed.