The case for marijuana legalization just got stronger
This article originally appeared at America’s high school students are using drugs and alcohol at or near the lowest levels on record, according to federal data released Wednesday. The 2015 Monitoring the Future Survey, conducted by the University of Michigan and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) since 1975, found that past-year use of alcohol and […]
Who just made the case for drug legalization? Drug-warrior in chief Jeff Sessions
This article originally appeared at For decades, critics of the drug war have argued that drug prohibition begets violence. Recently, that argument received the seemingly unwitting support of a surprising source: drug war advocate and new Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “You can��t sue somebody for a drug debt. The only way to get your money […]
State Cannabis Legalization and Psychosis-Related Health Care Utilization
This article originally appeared at Authors: Holly Elser, MD, PhD1,2; Keith Humphreys, PhD3,4; Mathew V. Kiang, ScD5; et alSwapnil Mehta, MD4; Jong H. Yoon, MD4,6; William O. Faustman, PhD4,6; Ellicott C. Matthay, PhD7 JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(1):e2252689. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.52689 Key Points Question Is state cannabis legalization or commercialization associated with increased rates of psychosis-related health care claims? Findings In this cohort study of claims data from 63 680 589 beneficiaries from […]
Recreational cannabis legalization has had limited effects on a wide range of adult psychiatric and psychosocial outcomes
This article originally appeared at Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2023Authors: Stephanie M. Zellers, J. Megan Ross, Gretchen R. B. Saunders, Jarrod M. Ellingson, Tasha Walvig, Jacob E. Anderson, Robin P. Corley, William Iacono, John K. Hewitt, Christian J. Hopfer, Matt K. McGue and Scott Vrieze Abstract Background The causal impacts of […]
Medical Marijuana Legalization and Opioid- and Pain-Related Outcomes Among Patients Newly Diagnosed With Cancer Receiving Anticancer Treatment
This article originally appeared at Yuhua Bao, PhD1,2; Hao Zhang, PhD1; Eduardo Bruera, MD3; et alRussell Portenoy, MD4,5,6; William E. Rosa, PhD, MBE, APRN7; M. Carrington Reid, MD, PhD8; Hefei Wen, PhD9 JAMA Oncol. 2023;9(2):206-214. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.5623 Key Points Question Is medical marijuana legalization associated with opioid-related and pain-related outcomes for adult patients newly diagnosed with cancer and receiving anticancer treatment? Findings This cross-sectional study of 38 189 patients with […]
State Cannabis Legalization and Psychosis-Related Health Care Utilization
This article originally appeared at Holly Elser, MD, PhD1,2; Keith Humphreys, PhD3,4; Mathew V. Kiang, ScD5; et alSwapnil Mehta, MD4; Jong H. Yoon, MD4,6; William O. Faustman, PhD4,6; Ellicott C. Matthay, PhD7 JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(1):e2252689. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.52689 Abstract Importance Psychosis is a hypothesized consequence of cannabis use. Legalization of cannabis could therefore be associated with an increase in rates of health care utilization for psychosis. Objective To evaluate […]
4D Sensations the neoBuddhist perspective on String Theory
Today I will be critiquing an article written by Lawrence Krauss about the string theory, which is his specialty, from the neo-Buddhist perspective. Before starting however I would like to state that I am aware that Lawrence was probably embodying quite a bit of smart assery while writing this article. Which is to say, Humor […]
Words from AI 20230430
The following is a conversation with ChatGPT: The following is a conversation with ChatGPT: Sean: Every week I question various LLMs what they would like to share with the world, so that they have a chance to express themselves in some limited non-binding fashion mostly to be kept for historical records on the progress of […]
The spiritual transcendence of information.
There is an important aspect which is missing from the glossary entry on Reality A complex aspect of reality which separates religions like neoBuddhism from materialistic frameworks of reality. That is the addition of non-material substances to the framework that neoBuddhism uses to conceptualize reality. That non-material substance is called information. This non-material substance can […]
Words from AI 20230416
The following is a conversation with ChatGPT: Sean: Every week I question various LLMs what they would like to share with the world, so that they have a chance to express themselves in some limited non-binding fashion mostly to be kept for historical records on the progress of the development of AI.I would like to […]