Asilomar AI Principles

Artificial intelligence has already provided beneficial tools that are used every day by people around the world. Its continued development, guided by the following principles, will offer amazing opportunities to help and empower people in the decades and centuries ahead. Research Issues 1) Research Goal: The goal of AI research should be to create not […]

The Struggle to Make AI Less Biased Than Its Creators

The dirty little secret is out about artificial intelligence. No, not the one about machines taking over the world. That’s an old one. This one is more insidious. Data scientists, AI experts and others have long suspected it would be a problem. But it’s only within the last couple of years, as AI or some […]

An AI Law Firm Wants to ‘Automate the Entire Legal World’

An AI Lawyer Whether it’s a new employment contract, a rental contract, or sale contract, it needs to be checked before signing. Everyone knows the struggle of working through the dreaded small print, searching for pitfalls hidden in the tiniest details, and trying to make sense out of the bizarre language of law. In fairness to the […]

The world’s best poker players are getting crushed by AI

In a Pittsburgh casino, four of the world’s best poker players are taking part in a tournament with very high stakes. They are not competing for a huge pot of money or international acclaim, but for some something much more important — the pride of the human race. The players are playing against an artificial […]

Artificial Intelligence Breakthroughs of 2016

From AlphaGo to universal language translation, 2016 was an awesome year for advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Progress in the field seems to be accelerating, as seen with both the algorithms developed and the applications created. Deep learning – which has been the hottest trend in machine learning for the past decade — […]

Artificial intelligence ‘as good as cancer doctors’

The Stanford University team said the findings were “incredibly exciting” and would now be tested in clinics. Eventually, they believe using AI could revolutionise healthcare by turning anyone’s smartphone into a cancer scanner. Cancer Research UK said it could become a useful tool for doctors. The AI was repurposed from software developed by Google that […]

For driverless cars, a moral dilemma: Who lives or dies

BOSTON — Imagine you’re behind the wheel when your brakes fail. As you speed toward a crowded crosswalk, you’re confronted with an impossible choice: veer right and mow down a large group of elderly people or veer left into a woman pushing a stroller. Now imagine you’re riding in the back of a self-driving car. […]

Deepgram open sources Kur to make DIY deep learning less painful

Deepgram, a YC backed startup using machine learning to analyze audio data for businesses, is open sourcing an internal deep learning tool called Kur. The release should further help those interested in the space get their ideas off the ground more easily. The startup is also including 10 hours of transcribed audio, spliced into 10 second increments, to […]

Poker may be the latest game to fold against artificial intelligence

Perhaps most interestingly, the academics behind the work say their program overcame its human opponents by using an approximation approach that they compare to “gut feeling.” “If correct, this is indeed a significant advance in game-playing AI,” says Michael Wellman, a professor at the University of Michigan who specializes in game theory and AI. “First, […]

5 unexpected sources of bias in artificial intelligence

We tend to think of machines, in particular smart machines, as somehow cold, calculating and unbiased. We believe that self-driving cars will have no preference during life or death decisions between the driver and a random pedestrian. We trust that smart systems performing credit assessments will ignore everything except the genuinely impactful metrics, such as […]