THC more important for therapeutic effects in cannabis than previously known

This article originally appeared at Researchers at The University of New Mexico recently solved a major gap in the scientific literature by using mobile software technology to measure the real-time effects of actual cannabis-based products used by millions of people every day. Contrary to popular media-reports and scientific dogma, the psychoactive chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol or […]

What we’ve learned about the effects of weed since it was legalized

This article originally appeared at It’s been six years since Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana, and scientists keep on unearthing more data on the effects of the drug. Just this week, research presented at the 2018 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience showed that marijuana use in teenagers affects the development of areas of the brain […]

CBD From Marijuana Plus Chemotherapy Tripled Cancer Survival Rates In Mice

This article originally appeared at Mice with pancreatic cancer treated with a combination of cannabidiol (CBD) and chemotherapy survived nearly three times longer than those treated with chemotherapy alone, according to a new study that spotlights the potential for human treatment. CBD, the non-psychoactive (non-intoxicating) compound in marijuana, has already been shown to improve side effects of […]

World Health Organization: CBD Shouldn’t Be a Scheduled Substance

This article originally appeared at The World Health Organization, the health agency of the United Nations, has officially recommended that cannabidiol (CBD) not be internationally scheduled as a controlled substance. WHO research on CBD’s therapeutic use and side effects found that the cannabinoid was not a public danger. “Recent evidence from animal and human […]

Cannabis Study: How THC Affects Learning and Memory at Different Ages

This article originally appeared at A recent study in mice sparked eye-catching headlines like, “Memory Loss From Old Age Could Be Reversed By Smoking Marijuana.” The idea is alluring, especially given the toll cognitive decline takes as we age: instead of leaving you dazed and confused, THC might actually help restore cognitive function in […]

Anxiety and Medical Marijuana

This article originally appeared at Medical Marijuana Can Treat Anxiety With a global increase of medical marijuana use to treat health conditions, advocates and studies are showing that medical marijuana can be used to treat anxiety disorders. Advocates believe that the chemical makeup of cannabis can be beneficial in treating anxiety, while others argue […]

Use of Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Efficacy and Security in Clinical Trials

This article originally appeared at Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the cannabinoids with non-psychotropic action, extracted from Cannabis sativa. CBD is a terpenophenol and it has received a great scientific interest thanks to its medical applications. This compound showed efficacy as anti-seizure, antipsychotic, neuroprotective, antidepressant and anxiolytic. The neuroprotective activity appears linked to […]

What does FDA approval of Epidiolex (CBD oral solution) mean

This article originally appeared at The use of cannabis to treat epilepsy and other neurological conditions has been studied for a number of years. It has been hotly debated too. On June 25, 2018, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved EPIDIOLEX® (cannabidiol, CBD) oral solution for the treatment of seizures associated with […]

Marijuana Extract May Help Some Children With Epilepsy, Study Finds

This article originally appeared at Parents of children with severe epilepsy have reported incredible recoveries when their children were given cannabidiol, a derivative of marijuana. The drug, a non-psychoactive compound that occurs naturally in cannabis, has been marketed with epithets like Charlotte’s Web and Haleigh’s Hope. But those parents were taking a risk; there […]

American Epilepsy Society Just Confirmed CBD Stops Epileptic Seizures

This article originally appeared at A study recently unveiled by the American Epilepsy Society (AES) has found a cannabis derivative to be effective in combating epilepsy, with the substance exhibiting acute efficacy in treating the condition within children. The American Epilepsy Society’s findings The study – titled “Efficacy and Safety of Epidiolex (Cannabidiol) in Children […]