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Recent Sermons

A critique of What Aristotle Knew About Oligarchy That We

This is a critique of the video: Intro 0:00 imagine a society where the wealthiest0:01 few don't just influence laws they write0:04 them where they don't just benefit from0:07 policies they create them where state0:09 power isn't just swayed by wealth it's0:12 wielded by it sounds familiar well over This is a crucial introduction, setting the stage for what Aristotle would classify as an oligarchy, but we...

A critique of Bishop Barron Presents Jonathan Pageau - Recognizing

Jonathan Pageau = [JP]Bishop Barron = [BB] 0:08 [BB] I'm delighted to be here with Jonathan Pau today Jonathan is a montreal-based artist he's an icon Carver in the0:15 Orthodox tradition he's also emerged I'd say in the last oh maybe 10 years as one of the most interesting and provocative0:22 commentators on Christianity and I've been following him for a long time we've been...

A critique of "Why Critical Thinking is Dead - Peter

This is a review of: Why Critical Thinking is Dead - Peter Boghossian The description from the original video is: Peter Boghossian is an American philosopher. For ten years he was a professor of philosophy at Portland State University, but resigned following the college’s response to ‘the grievance studies affair’. This entailed Boghossian - alongside James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose - submitting bogus papers to peer-reviewed publications...

AI related art


Engaging Buddhism

Engaging Buddhism Why It Matters to Philosophy Jay L. Garfield Contents Preface ix Acknowledgments xxi l 24 56 91 122 175 214 242...

Empire Of The Dharma

Korean and Japanese Buddhism, 1877– 1912 Hwansoo Ilmee Kim A Study of the International Center for Korean Studies at the...




Cannabis policy models

Create a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis. This aims to accomplish 3...
