In the 2021 coalition agreement, the coalition parties agreed to introduce controlled dispensing of cannabis to adults in licensed shops. of cannabis to adults for consumption purposes in licensed stores. This is intended to control the quality, prevent the transfer of contaminated substances and improve the protection of minors and the health of consumers.
protection of minors and health protection for consumers in the best possible way. consumers in the best possible way. The social impact of the law is to be evaluated after four years.
After an intensive exchange with experts and interest groups within the pre-consultation process led by the Addiction and Drugs Commissioner The Federal Government has agreed on the following key points, which Basis for the development of legal regulations for the introduction of a controlled tax of cannabis to adults for recreational purposes. The summary below gives an overview of the planned content:
The introduction of a controlled sale of recreational cannabis to adults aims to for improved youth protection and health protection for consumers and to help curb the black market. When implementing the coalition project, the Federal Government takes its international and European legal framework into account. She For this purpose, among other things, a declaration of interpretation regarding the existing international submit the draft law as part of a notification to the EU Commission place. The project can be flanked by a commitment by Germany for individuals Changes/updates at EU and international law level.
In the future, cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) will no longer be legally classified as narcotics.
classified medium. Pleasure cannabis, medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp are made entirely from the
Scope of application of the Narcotics Act excluded and the respective legal
Framework conditions set out in a separate law.
The production, supply and distribution of recreational cannabis are carried out within a licensed
ed and state-controlled framework. Acquiring and owning up to one
Maximum amount of 20 to 30 grams of recreational cannabis for personal consumption in private and public
chen space are allowed without penalty; private self-cultivation is permitted to a limited extent.
With the entry into force of the planned new regulation, ongoing investigations and criminal proceedings are to be closed
then no longer punishable acts are terminated.
Cultivation and distribution of recreational cannabis are subject to strict state control. the
Pleasure cannabis may be purchased with age verification in licensed specialist shops and, if applicable, pharmacies
ken take place. Delivery points have requirements in terms of expertise, advice and spatial
fulfill situation. Advertising for cannabis products is prohibited. For the outer packaging of can
There are strict requirements for canabis products.
Dosage forms for smoking and inhalation as well as for nasal use are used for recreational cannabis
and oral intake (capsules, sprays, drops) allowed. Specifications are set to ensure quality and purity. Synthetically produced cannabinoids are not permitted
The minimum age limit for the sale and purchase of recreational cannabis is completion
of the purchaser's 18th year of life. Because of the increased risk of cannabis-related
Brain damage in adolescence, it is being examined whether an upper limit for the THC content is set for the sale of recreational cannabis to adults up to the age of 21 becomes.
Revenue from sales of recreational cannabis should be subject to sales tax. Next to it is the
Introduction of a special consumption tax (“cannabis tax”) is planned.
The cannabis-related educational and prevention work as well as target group-specific advice and treatment offers are being further developed. In particular, it is necessary to introduce low-threshold and comprehensive early intervention programs for consumption reflection for young people who use it. The evaluation of the social impact is after four years planned.
The planned content in detail:
Legal framework for the implementation of the coalition project
International and European legal framework
Under international law, the focus is on three conventions that clearly limit the use of narcotic substances such as cannabis.
cannabis, in particular the 1988 UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances). In terms of European law, the Schengen Convention (Schengener Convention (CISA) and the Council Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA of 25.10.04.
are to be considered. In addition, there are the effects of the three conventions under EU law, especially due to the accession of the EU accession to the UN Convention in 1988 and the fact that EU member states are in principle bound by EU negotiating directives for meetings of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Assessment under international and European law
The aforementioned legal framework offers limited options for implementing the coalition's project. The option of only limited legalization with a focus on personal cultivation for personal consumption and possession would fall short of the mandate of the coalition agreement. consumption and personal possession would fall short of the mandate of the coalition agreement.
Against this background, the German government prefers the option of issuing an interpretative declaration to the other parties to the international treaties. to the other parties to the international conventions and the international drug control bodies. nal drug control bodies, according to which it would not implement the coalition agreement in this way.
under certain narrow conditions of state regulation and improvement of standards in the areas of health and youth care.
standards in the areas of health and youth protection and combating illicit drug trafficking. as compatible with the purpose and legal requirements of the conventions.
2) This interpretation is made with regard to the German legal system and the BVerfG jurisprudence.
1 and builds on a declaration of interpretation 2 already issued when the UN Convention was ratified in 1988.
interpretation declaration 2. For a compatibility with the purpose of the international law requirements
a tight state-controlled framework, the cultivation as well as the dispensing and consumption of
cannabis, while improving standards of health protection and combating domestic and national drug
ternational and national drug-related crime. Under European law, Germany Germany is dependent on the EU Commission and the other member states as well as the ECJ follow Germany's interpretive approach and apply the Schengen Convention and the EU Framework Decision 2004 as well as the provisions of the 1988 UN Convention that may be applicable under Union law. interpreted accordingly.
3) All the ways of implementing the coalition agreement are associated with different risks under international and European law.
legal risks, which the German government has examined and assessed. In the above-mentioned inter
There is a risk that the above-mentioned interpretation will be criticized both by international bodies (e.g. the UN Commission on Narcotics) and by other countries. Commission) as well as from other countries. In terms of European law, close and transparent coordination will be required so that the EU Commission and member states to follow Germany's interpretive approach and to avoid the risk of Germany's interpretive approach and to minimize the risk of infringement proceedings and/or state liability claims. liability claims, which would ultimately have to be decided by the ECJ. The project can be flanked by Germany's commitment to individual amendments/updates at EU and international level. at EU and international law level.
4) Notification procedure
According to the so-called Transparency Directive (RL (EU) 2015/1535), there is a notification obligation with the
European Commission for product-related technical regulations. With the notification of the draft regulation to be prepared, a three-month standstill period begins, during which the regulation may not be regulation may not be adopted and the EU Commission or a member state may submit a detailed opinion. detailed opinion. If this occurs, the standstill period is extended by a further three months. further 3 months and also requires a reaction. The EU Commission always reserves the right to to initiate infringement proceedings at a later point in time if it is of the opinion that a provision Commission always reserves the right to initiate infringement proceedings at a later date if it is of the opinion that a provision violates EU law. Notification under the Services (Art. 15(7) and Art. 39(5), second and third subparagraphs) can also be made after the regulations have been issued (no standstill period). (no standstill period). The date of notification is coordinated between the departments and must ministries and must take place at the latest before the matter is referred to the Cabinet.
5) Changes in the national legal framework
Deletion of cannabis and THC from the narcotics law
All changes in national law must take into account the goal of a high level of protection of minors and health of consumers, as well as the effective fight against drug-related crime and curbing the black market. Cannabis (plant, cannabis resin) and THC will in future no longer be legally classified as narcotics within the meaning of the Narcotics Act (BtMG). Cannabis for human consumption, medical cannabis and commercial hemp will be are completely excluded from the scope of application of the BtMG and the respective legal framework is defined in a separate law. There is a clear legal demarcation between cannabis for human consumption, medicinal cannabis and commercial hemp with an independent regulatory regime, whereby the existing regulations on medicinal cannabis are in principle not to be adapted in content. should not be adapted in terms of content. Medicinal cannabis (plant and preparations from plant) can continue to be plant) can continue to be prescribed as a medicinal product in accordance with the existing social prescribed as a medicine.
6) Special regulations on commercial hemp and cannabidiol (CBD)
The maximum THC value for commercial hemp should be set at e.g. 0.3 percent in accordance with EU
law applicable from January 1, 2023, for example, should be set at 0.3 percent. Special regulations may need to be adopted for the handling of cannabidiol (CBD) products. special regulations may have to be made for dealing with cannabidiol (CBD) products.
7) Sanctioning
The production, supply, and distribution of recreational cannabis within a legalized, licensed production, supply, and distribution chain are generally exempt from prosecution. The acquisition and possession of a maximum quantity of 20 to 30 grams of cannabis (dried plants) for personal use (dried plants) for personal consumption in private and public areas are exempt from prosecution, regardless of the specific THC content and origin. In practice, the THC value and the origin of the cannabis can only be determined with a high level of technical laboratory effort. This is expected to relieve law enforcement authorities with regard to costly and disproportionate laboratory tests regarding the THC content of genus cannabis (dried plants). In addition, it is being examined whether other general weight or quantity limits for resin or liquids should be taken into account in a draft law, taking into account the possibly different potency. potency, if any, should be taken into account.
8) Self-cultivation for personal consumption is allowed on a limited basis and is exempt from punishment, i.e., three
flowering plants per person of legal age, and is flanked by special child and youth protection regulations. protection regulations, e.g. plants and yields from personal cultivation are to be protected from access
by children and adolescents. Self-cultivation may be subject to notification. The sale
of seeds and seedlings is regulated.
9) Self-cultivation for personal consumption is allowed on a limited basis and is exempt from punishment, i.e., three
flowering plants per person of legal age, and is flanked by special child and youth protection regulations. protection regulations, e.g. plants and yields from personal cultivation are to be protected from access
by children and adolescents. Self-cultivation may be subject to notification. The sale
of seeds and seedlings is regulated.
10) Beyond the above-mentioned areas, adults as well as minors continue to be liable to prosecution for
criminal offences, including trafficking and placing on the market without a license, regardless of the quantity
as well as acquisition, possession and cultivation above the respective permitted quantities. For the corresponding
basic offenses will be punishable by imprisonment of up to three years or a fine. Criminal offenses with increased penalties in particularly serious cases and qualifying offenses, which are basically based on the system of the BtMG, as well as misdemeanor offenses will be introduced. and the offences of misdemeanor are also introduced. The controlled distribution of cannabis to adults is the reaction to a changed risk assessment, so that at all levels lower penalty ranges than in the BtMG are appropriate. Particularly serious cases include, for example, acts with regard to a quantity that is not small, or acting on a commercial basis, which are punishable by imprisonment from three months to five years. Offenses with a particular risk potential, especially those that are usually attributed to organized crime and/or that are particularly harmful to children and young people, are classified as crimes with punishable by a term of not less than one year, e.g., trafficking by a gang, trafficking in non-trafficking goods trafficking, trafficking in a not insignificant amount with the carrying of a weapon, the commercial Cannabis to minors by a person over 21 years of age, or the designation of a minor for trafficking or similar by a person over 21 years of age. Primarily from the perspective of international and European Union law, it is to be examined in the further proceedings whether should be prohibited in general or only if the permissible possession quantity is exceeded. Article 71 (1) to (3) of the Schengen Convention and the goal of combating drug tourism could argue in favor of the former,
and the goal of curbing drug tourism. Violation of licensing requirements, record-keeping obligations or unauthorized advertising, for example, constitutes a misdemeanor. advertising is a misdemeanor and can be punished by a fine (cf. supplementary item 33).
11) Law enforcement
Prior to the entry into force of the planned new regulations, it is incumbent upon the law enforcement authorities of the States to refrain from criminal prosecution and to apply the current opportunity regulations (in particular Section 31a BtMG). It is suggested that this be coordinated among the states.
When the planned new regulation comes into force, ongoing investigations and criminal proceedings will be
will be terminated by the possibilities already provided for in the Code of Criminal Procedure. It remains to be examined whether transitional provisions are necessary for criminal enforcement measures that have not yet been completed. The
details of any procedural regulations are being examined. In addition, account is to be taken of the justified interest of those affected in removing the stigma of the conviction. be taken into account. For this purpose, convictions entered in the Federal Central Register that are exclusively for an act for which the law no longer provides a penalty in the future (esp. esp. Possession, acquisition and cultivation of cannabis up to a maximum quantity of 20 to 30 grams or of three female flowering plants, see above), shall be erased. The conditions of the eradications on application are to be determined in a procedure yet to be determined.
12) Road traffic law
Whether the controlled supply of cannabis to adults for consumption purposes will have an impact on the the applicable limits in road traffic and the exception for the intended use of a medicinal the use of a medicine prescribed for a specific case of illness within the framework of the administrative offense of the administrative offense of § 24a para. 2 sentence 3 StVG (driving under the influence of the drugs listed in the annex to Section 24a (2) of the Road Traffic Act) can only be
only be determined with the involvement of the relevant specialist bodies. The regulations concerning the permissibility of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances such as cannabis on the The regulations on the permissibility of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances such as cannabis in road traffic are based exclusively on the requirements of road safety. The above remarks apply to the relevant provisions of the Ship regulations which refer to the limits in road traffic and contain a corresponding exemption clause. and contain a corresponding exception. In aviation, § 4a of the Air Traffic Act applies.
Dispensing regulations
13) Dosage forms, delivery and quality
Synthetically produced cannabinoids are not approved. Only certain forms of of cannabis for consumption purposes are permitted. Forms of administration for smoking, inhalation, nasal and oral ingestion in the form of capsules, sprays and drops will be permitted. An extension to so-called edibles (products other than foodstuffs that are offered for oral ingestion) will be examined at the latest in the context of the evaluation of the law (see paragraph 40). The government will also examine whether a product-related, regional model project can provide the required protection of young people and health for consumers can be ensured.
14) The controlled distribution of cannabis for the purpose of consumption takes place in officially licensed and
supervised stores, including dispensaries where appropriate. The licensed stores are geared solely to the
sale of and advice on cannabis for recreational purposes; they are not linked to the sale of other sale of other stimulants such as tobacco and alcohol. Per purchase transaction may only one maximum purchase quantity per person corresponding to the maximum personal possession quantity may be dispensed, and no dispensing may take place for third parties. The operators and the sales personal of the licensed stores are obliged to provide proof of their expertise as well as proof of specific advisory and prevention skills. In addition, a contact person for the protection of contact person for the protection of minors. A counseling session is offered with each purchase. In addition, when THC-containing products are sold, educational information is provided about cannabis, low-risk consumption and the risks of use, and information about counseling and treatment and treatment centers, which are enclosed with the product and can also be accessed via a QR code on the packaging.
QR code on the packaging.
For recreational cannabis, specifications are set to ensure quality and purity.
THC contents must be reported. In addition, specifications are made for pesticides,
mycotoxins and microorganisms (e.g. setting of maximum limits). Mixtures
with tobacco and nicotine and the addition of flavors are not permitted.
16) Advertising, packaging and non-smoker protection
There is a general ban on the advertising of cannabis for human consumption. Pleasure cannabis is sold in outer packaging
(neutral packaging) without advertising design. Promotional purchase suggestions by sales sales outlets in their external presentation or on the Internet are not permitted. Only factual information is permitted information, for example, about the location of the controlled dispensary.
17) The following information must be declared on the outer packaging: Manufacturer/growers; country of cultivation; weight; harvest date; variety; best before date, THC and CBD content, warnings regarding age limit, no consumption during pregnancy and no consumption in connection with the (imminent) driving of a vehicle or the operation of of machinery. The package insert must contain the following information: addiction risks, including a note on possible neurological and health damage in case of a consumption under 25 years of age; necessary precautions for the protection of children and adolescents, references to addiction counseling centers, information website of the federal government (see section 25); interactions with medications and in the case of mixed use with other THC-containing products, as well as on roadworthiness or the operation of machines; no use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, reference is made to offers in easy language.
18) The Federal Non-Smoker Protection Act is supplemented by the passage that the regulations also apply,
also apply if products are smoked in conjunction with cannabis. smoker protection in accordance with the regulations for tobacco must be ensured.
Child and youth protection
19) Only adults are allowed access to the licensed outlets. To ensure this, a consistent age check is carried out as soon as the licensed point of sale is entered (in pharmacies: before dispensing).
age check is carried out when entering the licensed point of sale (in pharmacies: before dispensing). Violation of the control obligation may result in the loss of the license. The controlled distribution of cannabis is carried out in childproof containers in a neutral packaging. cation. Necessary minimum distances of specialized cannabis stores to schools, child and youth facilities as well as limitation of the area-related density of specialized stores under consideration of the population density are to be observed. In the vicinity of schools, daycare centers, on playgrounds, in public parks and other places where children and young people regularly spend time, such as pedestrian zones until 8 p.m., the public consumption of recreational cannabis is prohibited. banned. In addition, the federal states have the option of imposing further restrictions.
20) The minimum age limit for the sale and purchase (cf. item 9) of cannabis for human consumption is set at
The age of 18 years of the purchaser is set as the minimum age limit for the sale and purchase of cannabis. Violations of this requirement by the licensee will be prosecuted as a misdemeanor. Due to the increased risk of cannabis-related brain
brain damage in adolescence, it is being examined whether the supply of cannabis to adolescents should be the age of 21, an upper limit will be set for the THC content of cannabis be set.
21) To protect underage consumers, family court measures pursuant to Section 1666 of the German Civil Code (BGB) are already possible against the custodial parents if the physical, mental or emotional well-being of the child or his or her property is endangered and the parents are are unwilling or unable to avert the danger. Such a measure may also include The obligation of the parents to use services of the child and youth welfare and health care for their child (§ 1666 Abs. 3 Nr. 1 BGB), which can also include the obligation that the child takes part in an early intervention or prevention program or similar. takes part.
22) In addition, Article 74 (1) No. 7 of the Basic Law in conjunction with Article 72 (2) of the Basic Law shall apply. Article 72 (2) of the Basic Law, binding youth protection measures are introduced directly against minors, such as, for example, the
participation in early intervention and prevention programs in the event of the minor's possession (to compensate for the loss of criminal law instruments resulting from the abandonment of criminal liability while retaining the corresponding prohibition regulations). regulations).
23) Follow-up measures with regard to the future impunity of minors must also be regulated by law.
e.g. preventive seizure and confiscation of cannabis.
24) Actions that are particularly harmful to minors, e.g. dispensing, administering and making available
of cannabis to minors, are punishable by a higher range of penalties (see section 10).
25) Information, advice and prevention
A uniform platform will be set up nationwide that will bundle information on the law as well as existing offers for prevention, counseling, treatment, effects, risks, and safer use.
advice will be bundled. The BZgA will continue to develop its cannabis-related education and prevention work.
further developed. Cannabis-related research, including on possible effects of the controlled release of cannabis on road traffic, will be expanded. The German government will provide media and communication support for the controlled distribution of cannabis, even before it enters the legislative process. The reasons for regulation, i.e. the best possible protection of young people and the protection and health protection for consumers, as well as aspects of road safety.
aspects of road safety should be in the focus.
26) Early intervention for adolescents who use
Low-threshold, nationwide early intervention services for consumption reflection for young young people who use drugs, if possible with the involvement of their legal guardians. In addition, target-group-specific counseling and treatment services, in particular and treatment services, especially for adolescent cannabis users, will be developed and and expanded.
27) Prevention
Universal, selective and indicated prevention in the living environments is being expanded, especially in
schools, vocational schools, on the Internet and social media, in child and youth welfare facilities,
in institutions that work with cognitively impaired persons, in sports clubs, and in the workplace (especially where there are direct risks in handling machinery or vehicles). Preventive measures within the framework of educational child and youth protection in the context of child and youth welfare are expanded and ensured.
28) In addition, information, prevention and training programs are also offered for adult target groups (people with little experience of consumption, frequent consumers, parents, educators, youth welfare educators, youth welfare, (school) social work, pregnant women, road users, older people who use who consume drugs, etc.).
29) The financing and design of the new measures will be ensured within the framework of the constitutional competences. responsibilities under constitutional law.
Cultivation, distribution, licensing, control and taxation
30) Suitable criteria for production are being developed to ensure high-quality cultivation in compliance with the Suitable criteria for production are being developed. Permissible cultivation methods include, in particular, indoor cultivation under artificial light and cultivation in greenhouses to ensure appropriate quality control.
31) Licensing and control
Cultivation and distribution are subject to strict government supervision through licensing and control. A state-controlled supply chain ensures health protection and curbs organized crime. and organized crime is curbed. To prevent goods from the black market from entering the legal supply chain - and vice versa - strict state control is required at all levels.
at all stages. The entire supply and trade chain (cultivation, processing, transport, wholesale, retail) must be subject to a control system (track and trace) that documents the individual steps in the chain. tion of the individual steps in the chain.
32) The production, processing, storage, transportation, and sale of recreational cannabis shall be be permitted only if a licensee has obtained a right (license) from the licensor to carry out the activity.
33) Licensors are federal or state authorities. A fee is charged for the granting of licenses. The licensor or another body appointed by him has the right to inspect all members of the
links in the supply chain to determine whether they are complying with their requirements. Violations of licensing requirements constitute a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine.
fine. In the event of repeated irregular conduct, this may be prosecuted and the license may be revoked.
and the license is to be withdrawn.
34) Licensees may be natural persons or legal entities that meet the following requirements.
Proof of the required reliability; at a minimum, a license would be denied if the applicant or the person in charge of the business has been convicted of a felony or a relevant misdemeanor by a final court decision within the last five years prior to the filing of the application (the details will be will be examined in the further proceedings),
Proof of the required reliability of the persons who have access to cannabis plants or products made from them,
Proof of the required expertise of the applicant or the person in charge of the business, . business,
Proof of entry of the beneficial owner in an EU business register
Proof of sufficient financial standing in relation to the scope of the license applied for. creditworthiness.
Licensees are obligated to provide the licensor or entities authorized by the licensor with access to all or its delegated bodies into all aspects of their activities in connection with cannabis
For the individual elements of the supply chain, there is the possibility of acquiring a separate license in each case.
acquire. Specifically, these are production of cannabis flowers, etc., including drying and processing of the raw material, trimming of the flowers including drying, trans port, processing and storage, wholesaling, retailing, quality analysis, seed production and/or cutting propagation, and research. The term of the license is limited in time and may be extended
may be extended several times upon application. The extension may be refused if the licensor has reasons to doubt the proper performance of the activities specified in the license.
in the proper performance of the activities specified in the license. A volume is specified for the license. Genuine cannabis shall be protected from unauthorized access by third parties at all stages of the supply chain. In order to prevent damage, in particular through theft or fraud, it must be checked whether a protection concept for the
a protection concept is to be developed for the granting of licenses, which must be submitted and must be implemented before the start of production.
According to a preliminary assessment, an international trade of cannabis for the purpose of enjoyment is
basis or in accordance with existing international frameworks is not possible. The international framework only allows trade in drugs for medical or scientific purposes, and only under strict conditions. Irrespective Regardless of this, in the case of an intended import, export or transit, the applicable EU customs law would have to be observed. customs law (submission of customs declarations, etc.). According to this preliminary assessment, national demand
According to this preliminary assessment, national demand would have to be met by production in Germany.
The distribution of pleasure cannabis takes place in licensed specialized stores. It is being examined whether, in addition, specialist stores with consumption facilities should also be permitted. In order to achieve a high level of protection by expert staff on the one hand and a rapid and widespread distribution of legal outlets on the other, it could make sense
and a rapid and widespread distribution of legal outlets, it could make sense to allow both specialist stores and
as well as to allow sales in pharmacies. In this way, the black market could be reduced due to the wider This would enable the black market to be suppressed more effectively, especially in rural areas.
Whether and to what extent online or mail-order sales to private individuals should be allowed by officially licensed
stores should be permitted requires further examination, at the latest as part of the evaluation (cf. item 40).
examination. The review must take particular account of aspects of the protection of minors, combating the black
black market, but also the supply of rural regions and persons with mobility barriers. The aim must be to ensure that online and mail-order retailing offers a as in bricks-and-mortar retailing, and that law enforcement has comparable control options. trol options for the law enforcement authorities.
In the event of legalization, turnover from sales of cannabis/cannabis-containing goods will automatically be subject to VAT. In addition, the introduction of a special consumption tax ("cannabis tax") is planned. The tax rate is to be selected in such a way that the health policy incentive effect occurs. A tax assessment based on the THC content appears to be appropriate.
appropriate. Also the highest possible tax rate, which is applied to products with higher THC contents
must lead to a retail price (including sales tax) that is close to the black market price,
which is close to the black market price. A linear taxation based on the THC content (x euros per gram of THC content) is to be introduced. This will create a clear and easily comprehensible basis for taxation with a pronounced steering effect. The
linear taxation can be proportional or progressive. In any case, compatibility with EU law must be ensured, in particular the EU Excise System Directive and the Tobacco Tax Directive. Directive must be ensured.
40) The social impact of the law - on health, child and youth protection, and road safety, among other things - is to be assessed after four years and beyond. and on road safety - are to be evaluated after four years and beyond.
and beyond. The BMG has commissioned the collection of indicators required for the evaluation.
required for the evaluation. In addition, this commission will identify which data is
already exist and which data still need to be collected. A baseline survey is to be
be carried out before the law comes into force.
41) Measures resulting from changes in national law that entail financial burdens or additional or additional personnel requirements as a result of changes in national law are subject to a general budget reservation. Budget negotiations are not prejudiced in this respect.
The original document in German is here: