Marijuana Use and Highway Safety

This article originally appeared at Congressional Research Service, 2019 | Should per se limits be imposed for cannabis? Equating cannabinoid blood concentrations with actual driver impairment: practical limitations and concerns.


This originally appeared at THE EFFECT OF CANNABIS COMPARED WITH ALCOHOL ON DRIVING R. Andrew Sewell, MD,James Poling, PhD, and Mehmet Sofuoglu, MD, PhD Abstract The prevalence of both alcohol and cannabis use and the high morbidity associated with motor vehicle crashes has lead to a plethora of research on the link between the […]

Cannabis use as a risk factor for causing motor vehicle crashes: a prospective study

This originally appeared at Cannabis use as a risk factor for causing motor vehicle crashes: a prospective study Jeffrey R. Brubacher, 1 Herbert Chan, 2 Shannon Erdelyi, 2 Scott Macdonald, 3 Mark Asbridge, 4 Robert E. Mann, 5 Jeffrey Eppler, 6 Adam Lund, 7 Andrew MacPherson, 8 Walter Martz, 9 William E. Schreiber, 2 […]

Driving While Stoned: Issues and Policy Options

This originally appeared at Mark A.R. Kleiman BOTEC Analysis, LLC; New York University Marron Institute of Urban Management Tyler Jones Jones BOTEC Analysis, LLC Celeste Miller BOTEC Analysis, LLC Ross Halperin New York University Marron Institute of Urban Management Date Written: June 29, 2018 AbstractTHC is the most commonly detected intoxicant in US drivers, […]

Medical cannabis and automobile accidents: Evidence from auto insurance

This originally appeared at Cameron M Ellis  1 , Martin F Grace  1 , Rhet A Smith  2 , Juan Zhang  3 PMID: 35691014 DOI: 10.1002/hec.4553 Abstract While many states have legalized medical cannabis, many unintended consequences remain under-studied. We focus on one potential detriment-the effect of cannabis legalization on automobile safety. We examine this relationship through […]

State Marijuana Laws and Traffic Fatalities

This originally appeared at Jim Dewey, Kristopher Kindle, Sravani Vadlamani, Reinaldo Sanchez-Arias Abstract: We examine the relationship between traffic fatalities and state marijuana laws using data from 1985 through 2019 and Poisson difference in difference models that allow effects to vary over time. We show numerous attributes of state marijuana laws are captured by […]

An examination of relationships between cannabis legalization and fatal motor vehicle and pedestrian-involved crashes

This originally appeared at Published 2020 Aug 28. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2020.1810246 PMCID: PMC7709737 NIHMSID: NIHMS1648312 PMID: 32856949 Abstract Objective: While attention has been given to how legalization of recreational cannabis affects traffic crash rates, there was been limited research on how cannabis affects pedestrians involved in traffic crashes. This study examined the association between cannabis legalization […]

Marijuana medicalization and motor vehicle fatalities: a synthetic control group approach

This originally appeared at Bradley J. Bartos  ORCID:, Carol Newark1 & Richard McCleary1  Abstract Objectives This paper reports a quasi-experimental evaluation of California’s 1996 medical marijuana law (MML), known as Proposition 215, on statewide motor vehicle fatalities between 1996 and 2015. Methods To infer the causal impact of California’s MML enactment on statewide […]

Driving Performance and Cannabis Users’ Perception of Safety A Randomized Clinical Trial

A Randomized Clinical Trial Thomas D. Marcotte, PhD1; Anya Umlauf, MS1; David J. Grelotti, MD1; et al Emily G. Sones, BA1; Philip M. Sobolesky, PhD2,3; Breland E. Smith, PhD2,4; Melissa A. Hoffman, PhD2,5; Jacqueline A. Hubbard, PhD2,6; Joan Severson, MS7; Marilyn A. Huestis, PhD8; Igor Grant, MD1; Robert L. Fitzgerald, PhD2 JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(3):201-209. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.4037 This originally appeared at Key Points Question  What factors are related to the impact of smoked cannabis on driving and the users’ perception […]

The risk of being culpable for or involved in a road crash after using cannabis: A systematic review and meta-analyses

This originally appeared at Michael A. White [email protected] and Nicholas R. BurnsView all authors and affiliations Abstract Background The development of drug driving policies should rest on sound epidemiological evidence as to the crash risks of driving after using psychoactive drugs. The findings from individual studies of the increased risk of crashing from […]