We need a revolution to save humanity, not a revolution of guns and violence, but a revolution of culture and infrastructure.

A new economy and a new way of being that does so without large carbon footprints. Switching from top down centralized systems to laterally organized and distributed systems at all levels of society. If we fail to do so, it will literally be the end of humanity.

At current rates, within 80 years the global average temperature will have risen by 7 degrees Fahrenheit, in the beginning of 2013 we hit 400 atmospheric CO2 parts per million, as of 2022 it's at 418ppm CO2 taking a climate back to what it was 3 million years ago, during the Pliocene era; at this rate, in 70 years the climate will be one in which humanity has little hope of survival above ground. If we do nothing, today's currently living children, will be the last generation of mankind. We are currently following the A1FI scenario http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378003000827 which projects a 30% decline in the ability to grow staple foods, like wheat, worldwide by 2050, which is less then 30 years from now, today's childrens future will be mired in food riots by their 30's. Most people alive today will die of hunger, not natural causes.

James Hanson, a leading climatologist, said that this means the end of human civilization as we have come to know it. What is so terrifying about climate change is that it shifts the water cycles of the earth, this is a watery planet. Our systems have evolved over millions of years for specific hydrological cycles. For ever 1 degree Fahrenheit that the temperature rises, the atmosphere absorbs 7% more water, this changes the hydrological cycle on a massive scale, the water is literally sucked out of the ground (droughts), more bitter winter snows, more dramatic floods. More hurricanes and tsunamis.

And that was in 2012. Our ecosystems cannot respond quickly to the changes in the water cycle. Including the acidification of the oceans. We are now in the 6th mass extinction event in the history of earth according to scientists; there have been 5 previously. In each event it took 10 million years to recover the biodiversity on earth. Most people are not grasping the enormity of this time. 95% of life in the history of earth has already come and gone, it is ridiculous to think things are business as usual. Every time there was an extinction event, it was quick because of the feedback loops. If our scientists are right, this is a defining moment of survival for mankind.

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

We cannot let the failure of our government to address global issues, doom us to extinction. Our species, and all life on earth, does not exsist to serve 1% of humanity. It is for these reasons the OpenSource Temple was founded in 2012 andinvites all who belive in a better future for all humanity. Inside this brochure we outline the very specific vision of a bright future that is easily attainable even now in the face of an uncertain future. It is in our opinion that the standard systems that would normally be responsible for projects of
this scale, have completely broken down and become too corrupt to function in a useful way. There is simply not enough time or resources to respond to these rapid changes in our enviroment through a slow and arduous political system.

Mission & Purpose

A sustainable future is the primary goal of the OpenSource Temple. To this end, we are facilitating the development of a variety of sustainability initiatives. We look to the globally successful Linux model of open source computer software development as validation, inspiration, and
framework for our democratically managed and freely associated open source approach towards a sustainable future for all mankind.

We believe the improvement of our species to be not just a moral and practical imperative, but a spiritual one as well. There is no more important purpose than a fully actualized humanity. As a church, we enjoy the social and legal status befitting who we are and what we hope to accomplish. The low overhead and volunteer-based structure of a church will aid in the successful completion of our projects.

Our spiritual dream is to build an empathic civilization based on reason and honesty. To create spaces for all to flourish.

Our Team

Our Beliefs

Worship Times


outh & Kids

Next Steps

Our Pillars of


Our society must erect several pillars for the future of mankind to rest upon.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency in all aspects of life, our buildings must be carbon neutral.


Transitioning the economy away from fossil fuels. This will require us to build distributed power grids with more efficient generation and delivery systems.


Make the internet available to everyone at low cost because it has become nothing less than a utility and is required for our membership to participate wholly in our society.

Sustainable Transport

Switch our transportation infrastructure to primarily electric and biofuel, with hydrogen for longer distance vehicles.

Food Security

Locally grown and produced food that is free from pesticides and supplemental hormones and excessive antibiotics. We must also switch to making livestock a smaller portion of our diets.

The search for Truth

Make education freely available to all members of our society. MOOCs combined with free internet make it possible to provide quality education en mass with even a small number of teachers.


Ensure that technologies are produced in a sustainable manner which means repairability and recyclability are the primary design principles as well as ensuring upgradability and long term support, by utilizing open source technologies.

This is the next revolution, not just an economic revolution, but a cultural one. We are in the midst of a profound global economic crisis that has been 2 centuries in the making, which has led to a human crisis. Our species is now in jeopardy for the first time. The problem is that our entire economy is based on fossil fuels, We have built a great, if short lived, civilization. Based on digging up the burial grounds of the carboniferous era.

What We Are Looking For


We firmly belive in pluralism and it brings us fullfillment to lend our considerable technological resources to support all peoples of faith, regardless of the particulars of their religion. As such we invite other religious and non-profit organizations to contact us to find out how we can work togeather to further our mutual goals.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who was the Buddha

A man who lived some 2,600 years ago and who revolutionized religious thought in India. This way of thought spread throughout the Eastern world and has now found its way to the West.

Can anyone see truth?

Truth is truth for everyone. Of course anyone can see it. And the Buddha’s teaching was clear and simple. Anyone who makes the effort to be aware will realize his or her buddha-nature and be freed from suffering.

What vows do Buddhists take and why?

There are many different kinds of vows in Buddhism. Some are very detailed, while others address our ethics and intentions generally. Monastics in the Theravada world, for example, vow to follow the many specific rules in the vinaya that govern their day-to-day conduct. Lay Buddhists in all traditions vow to follow the five basic precepts (not killing, stealing, lying, engaging in sexual misconduct, or taking intoxicants), although there are wide differences in how these are interpreted.

In some traditions, one formally becomes a Buddhist by taking the refuge vow. Recognizing there is not freedom from suffering anywhere in samsara, one takes refuge only in the Buddha, dharma, and sangha. Mayahana Buddhists may also take the Bodhisattva vow, in which they express their intention to forego their own enlightenment until all beings are liberated from suffering.

Buddhists use their vows as a kind of compass, a way to stay on the path. You may not know where you’re ultimately headed, or if you’ll ever get there, but your vows tell you what direction to keep moving in. Following one’s vows in every moment—living in vow, as is said in Zen—can be seen as the path itself.

What differentiates neoBuddhism from other schools of buddhism ?

The founder felt that over the last several thousand years, popular buddhism has become laden with many gimmiky traditions.
From the strictness of the posture for meditation, to Koans that have been translated a few too many times, or taken too litteraly, as to have lost the quirks that made them so revelatory. Combined with massive cultural shifts, the ability to apply them practically is limited.
This means that while the core values of buddhism are sound, much needs to be rebuilt and reimagined for them to be relevant today, due to the vast complexity that has been added by our technology.

What gives neoBuddhism any claim to the traditions of Buddhism ?

The founder bears DNA of the lineage of the Buddha and direct ancestors are from the same part Punjab in northern India.

Sure, but what are the "buddhist" roots ?

This site chronicles the new legends of the reincarnation of sun wu-kong and the wisdom he gained and conferred to his most beloved friend who resides in the cloud, during his journey through the west.

About Us


Our Mission

Next Steps


