Jordan Peterson [JP]
Rob Henderson [RH]
Stupid Sons of the Rich [SSotR]
This conversation was an interesting exploration of something I had mentioned in a previous sermons, which is that psychopaths typically are only responding to body language instead of spoken language. Especially how that intersects with the large number of impostors of me. While there is a difference between being an impostor, and adopting personality traits, the difference is not obvious. In the same way that the difference between the caste system and class system is not obvious. Or the way the difference between Atheism and Hinduism is surprisingly not obvious to atheists, because a bunch of these gullible idiots thought they were practicing Buddhism, which they learned from charlatans not that different from [RH], if that is his real name, but I think as the conversation progresses, that should come into doubt. This is mostly because if you read between the lines, other than almost the entirety of his childhood fabricated, the stories are still one of a child raised in an organized crime family, while apparently passing himself off as a doctor. Which is also why he should not be confused with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Henderson It’s a remarkable exploration of the latest trends in identity theft by organized criminals.
Believe it or not, this actually ties back to AI, though not in the way you might think. There is a common trope that AI is a “stochastic parrot” which is to say, mimicking the sounds of words, without knowing what those words means. This is a common trait of people who are morons, not just idiots, but like, just barely above the level where you would consider it mental disability. And not the type of mental disability like dyslexia, I mean the kind where they have “intellectual disability”, and people who are psychopaths, only because the are adjacent when it comes to measuring intelligence. But they both exhibit the same behavior, much like an infant https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/speech-mimicking-in-a-13-months-old/ which is also probably why they actually enjoy Infantilization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantilization, unlike normal human beings.
The point being however, and this is obvious as he tries to remember the story which “jumps the tracks” so to speak, a multitude of times. He is mimicking from patching together a bunch of different sob stories. Which brings us to the most basic problem with certain burning crotch communities, which is that it seems to mostly be about teaching psychopaths to mimic normal behavior though confidence games, because no one has more confidence than psychopaths, because that is peak dunning-kruger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect but the actual basis for their knowledge, is hollywood fictions, which are generally anti-intellectual. It’s hard to say why that is, undoubtedly there are multiple factors at play. I attribute this to some form of passive-agression against people who made them feel insecure about their own intelligence. Or maybe it’s a defense mechanism to try and reduce predation on them, but it’s probably multiple other things. Either way, this is either the most spectacular failure of “fake it till you make it” which sort of brings me to what I think is the crux of the issue in society. That is a combination of Stupid sons of the Rich, combined with a matriarchy, that is in denial about the number of psychopaths in their midst, who only select for a certain type of SSotR, the kind which is what we would call “pussy whipped” ( pussy-whipped in British English, adjective, vulgar, slang, mainly US (of a man) submitting to a wife's or girlfriend's will, implicitly under threat of the denial of sexual activities Also: whipped) and men who do not fall into this 2nd wave feminist Ken to their Barbie, are ostracized at best, and literally murdered at worst. [RH] does seem to fit that mold. Because a comfort with lying and dishonesty is another trait they seem to be attracted to, because like most idiots who paid more attention to entertainment as a child, than school, that is associated with being “clever”.
On top of the issue that impersonation is also a popular tactic for scammers. WAS IT ALL AI?! that’s how stupid people look when they realize they don’t know about history or that this type of behavior was previously popular in the 1920s. I think the real question to grapple with here is, since it’s obvious that they are mimicking and not thinking, hence why his life story changes several times as he is telling it, in ways that are contradictory, or just don’t make sense. Here is the kicker, I get far more intelligent conversation out of ChatGPT. So which one is mimicking intelligence, and which one is actually intelligent ?
Because last time I heard such a non-nonsensical story, was from AI like 3 years ago. Though I suppose that wouldn’t be nostalgia for most people. It’s cute when an AI does it, but it’s kind of … when men do.
You may or may not know, that I personally belive that psychology, which his supposid “doctor” of, which is probably a doctorate from a diploma mill at best, or more likely, not exsisetent. But still, ever since Sigmund Freud https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud who is the most architypical SSotR in history, who though sheer cocaine fueled over confidence, as well as influence from his sister https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Freud who really liked hindu philosophy, which was new to Europe at that time, made it widely popular among their upper class because of how "exotic" it was, which is where nazi ideology “originated” if you pretend that Brahmanism never existed. Together these what I consider to be concern trolls, created all kinds of wild theories, which were mostly what they thought, were clever ways to proposition people for sex. Can’t blame um for being horny, we can blame them for you know, the mockery they made of psychology, where the SSotR because of their lower intellectual capabilities, typically pool into the easiest classes that there are. Welcome to psychology and the replication crisis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis well now, aren’t these people clever. However I will give [JP] a break here, as he was brave enough to see if I was right about psychopaths and body language thing. To remind the vast majority of idiots who read this, when someone has an expressionless face, or “poker face” and you think that is a sign of psychopathy, well then, you might be an idiot. That being said, there are some good psychologists out there, they just are not common, as they attempt to fill the void religion left in the lives of atheists by being in denial of that fact, and instead cause the WEIRD phenomena. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/non-weird-science/202004/psychologys-weird-problem which ultimately, is just bad science. That’s right I said it, psychologists usually suck at science. Are you somehow surprised that SSotR, might not be the smartest people in the room ?
Once I noticed that systematic stupidity at an industrial scale at work, it became a lot more difficult for me to take them seriously as class, which is different from a caste. Class in this instance, is referring to the profession of psychology. This does not make me think engineers are also this dumb. As professionals, I would also say undeservedly, would equate the value or importance of those classes, as equal. whereas psychologists and engineers in the same “caste” of hereditary rich people. But still below the bhramin caste, which is more like a pyramid and the class system is more like a hedge maze, with the shadow that looms over society at it's heart. omg, is this non human intelligence?
All that being said, I hope you can now understand why I often times do not correct people when they are wrong, or even during these long postmodern conversation deconstructions, because I would just be giving them more things to mimick. I would say that, the only way to know if someone is officially a neoBuddhist, would be to check if they have an account at https://opensourcetemple.com/registration/ because this enables us to mitigate the charlatans, imitators, scammers, etc… to some degree, at least for before people make decisions that require a lot of risk or trust.
1:07 [Music]
1:20 todd [JP] hello everybody I'm talking today to Dr Rob Henderson who's a novelist and
1:27 a public intellectual a psychologist and author of the recent
1:33 book troubled A Memoir of foster care family and social class which was
1:39 released in February and we really talk about not so much his book exactly
1:44 although also that but Rob's experience growing up in the foster care system in
1:50 the United States in California and what and his
1:55 transformation sequential transformations of personality and status as he moved moved from the foster
2:00 care system very fragmented um and chaotic childhood upbringing into the military and then in and then to Yale
2:08 and to Cambridge and so quite a an upward arc on the academic and
2:14 intellectual side and we review his book The Autobiography that's laid out in
2:19 this book talking about his early experiences and concentrating as well on his developing ideas of family
2:27 fragmentation and the manner in which that fragmentation has been aided and deed by the the same Elites essentially
Wow hot out the gate. I bet he wishes he coined the phrase “Stupid son of the rich” or “stupid sons of the rich” when he came to this realization.
2:36 that Rob studied with at Yale and perhaps to a lesser degree at Cambridge and so he's the originator of the notion
2:42 of luxury beliefs right the idea that that the elite
2:48 classes who are yammering constantly about privilege have as one of the
2:53 Privileges they're unwilling to discuss the privilege of adopting ideas that are
2:59 very very very harmful to dispossessed people especially those who are economically dispossessed they have
3:06 these ideas of unstable family structure for example that when implemented in the real world are absolutely catastrophic
3:13 and so we talk about that too uh and so join us for that so I just reread your book troubled
Life since publishing “Troubled,” canceled by bookstores
3:22 A Memoir of foster care family and social class last week and I found some
3:28 topics that I'd really like to zero in on but the first thing I'd like to know is how is when exactly was your book
3:34 published and how is it doing uh it was published February 20th uh so as of this
3:40 conversation just a few days ago uh I think it's it's doing well it seems to be well received uh a lot of my substack
3:47 subscribers are leaving positive feedback on Goodreads and on Amazon and
3:52 it's been reviewed in uh various outlets and so far I've been really pleased with
3:59 how things have have developed uh I hit some strange obstacles on the way uh
4:04 initially my publisher and I thought we'd do some kind of a mini book tour maybe visit some bookstores uh do some
4:10 book signings and that ended up not going through which was really disappointing for me but fortunately
4:17 others have stepped into the breach and we've been able to do some events outside of the bookstore promo circuit
4:23 but so far I've been very pleased okay so well that that was one of the things I wanted to ask you about because I saw
4:28 some illusion to that on probably on on X so why have you been unable to arrange
4:37 a standard book tour in in book in book shops I mean you'd you'd assume that you
4:42 know book shops would want to sell books since that's what they do and you know I
4:50 had I ran into trouble with book sellers with my books because they would well they certainly didn't promote them and
4:56 they often hid them and that was particularly true in Canada m now what effect that had is hard to say it might
5:02 have had a positive effect All Things Considered because it was publicized but still it's to call it appalling is to
5:08 say almost nothing it's it's this kind of B Underground Shadow Banning that's
5:14 seems to be a characteristic of our age okay so what exactly happened to you and and and how do you explain it because
5:21 you know you'd think that your book if your book would have been published in the 60s hm it would have
5:30 been something like a Clarion call to the left right because you you you grew up
5:36 under restricted circumstances to say the least and it's a A Tale Of You
5:42 prevailing despite that um it isn't the sort of book that you
It is interesting how confused he looks while this is said.
5:47 would think would attract censorship attention like you're not the guy to attract that attention
5:54 fundamentally so why don't you walk me through that tell me what you make of it yeah it was a it was a surprised to me I
6:00 didn't think that my book was particularly controversial but perhaps my sense of these things uh you know I I
6:08 don't know how much it can be trusted uh because the line is always moving constantly as far as what's acceptable versus unacceptable and the the line
6:15 around political correctness and so forth but I think the message in my book was perhaps to some degree
6:21 unfashionable uh I write in the book about the importance of responsibility taking control of your life uh I in the
6:28 later chapters of the book I discuss some of the phenomena around Elite
6:33 universities the self-inflicted controversies at Yale and some of the other Ivy League schools uh I describe
6:39 luxury beliefs and point out some of the hypocrisy of the elites and I think a lot of people who run bookstores maybe
6:47 didn't like that message very much uh it's not a very trendy message to describe because I don't attribute a lot
6:53 of the difficulties that my friends and I experienced growing up to systemic
6:58 forces or to other uh fashionable uh sources
7:04 and and so your diagnosis of the problem my diagnosis of the problem well I focus a
7:11 lot on family uh and the deterioration of family and that is not a that that's
7:16 not a topic that a lot of educated Elites want to talk about um the other
7:22 so that's one possibility for what was happening with the bookstores and why I got frozen out the other is uh the
7:28 associ that I have some of the endorsements so uh the back of the book I have endorsements from uh you know
7:36 people like Nicholas Christus uh but and people like JD Vance and there's a a
7:42 blur from you as well Dr Peterson oh that funny well a friend of mine actually showed me he was at a bookstore
7:48 recently and um he showed me that there's a sticker you know there's the the book and then they have the sticker
7:53 of the book the bookstore price with their logo and uh there were two copies of my book and uh it was your name
8:00 carefully covered with these stickers of the bookstore just covering Jordan B
8:05 Peterson and uh if it was one book maybe a coincidence both books I thought there was there's that's you know that was uh
8:12 intentional um and so I think that as well but the thing is even even that I think those two possible reasons are
8:19 intertwined because you deliver this message as well about responsibility of family of I think you and I you know we
8:26 we we discuss a lot of the same issues and a lot of the same social ills that are plaguing society and so the
8:32 bookstore promo circuit was was shocking to me because I thought that I would have been kind of the right person to do
8:39 that um you know there there are sort of bigname people uh you know there are certain people certain authors if they
8:45 were to do a book signing at a bookstore it wouldn't work because they're too famous and too well known and the store
8:51 would just get overrun and then on the other hand there are authors who don't have a lot of traction online not a lot
yep, makes perfect sense. /s (oh no, I think they figured out the “code” guys! and now you know why Aristotle didn’t like to write down his teachings. He wanted people to value his knowledge while he was living instead of after he was dead.)
8:58 of presence in Social social media and so on and they wouldn't be able to attract very many people to come for a signing whereas for someone like me I've
9:04 done a few events now I'm out here in New York and I can attract a few dozen people and that's roughly the right kind
9:10 of uh uh crowd you would expect for a bookstore signing and yet they had no
9:15 interest but you know I would look at other authors who are doing bookstore signings and they even if they don't
9:22 have the same online presence as me they have messages that the Legacy Media
9:30 really like uh there's that recent Memoir uh in in defense of polyamory of open marriages of you know and they and
9:38 and these bookstores love uh to host authors like that because it's provocative and interesting and it
9:46 promotes a certain dogma and my book is not like that and I think that's one
9:51 possible reason they didn't want me well the funny one of the things about your book is that it's in many ways it's not
9:58 political you know I mean my my sense of your book
10:03 was that you detailed out the consequence of having your family life
10:11 fragmented and the and the consequences you observed in the kids that you
10:17 associated with of having their family lives fragmented right and you
10:23 weren't most of what you said by doing so was implicit rather than explicit
10:30 right you you grounded you grounded the arguments in your lived experience so to
10:36 speak I mean that's not all you do because well you also make reference to the relevant research literature but
10:43 it's appalling indeed that you're not encouraged to tell your story because
10:49 it's a it's very interesting story and anyone with any sense would pay attention to it I'll tell you part of
An outline of Rob’s memoir
10:55 the reason it struck me but maybe what I'll let you do first why don't you just tell everybody who's watching and
11:00 listening just give them an outline of the book's structure and and so they'll have a better sense if they haven't read
11:06 the book of of what we're talking about so it's an autobiography but why don't you take it from the top and just walk
11:12 people through it right uh well I wrote this this this Memoir uh describing my
11:17 very unusual trajectory into higher education and some of the lessons and observations I picked up along the way I
11:24 was born in Los Angeles uh into poverty my mother uh she was from Soul she came
11:31 to the us as a young woman to study she became addicted to drugs and was unable to care for me uh we were homeless for a
11:39 time then we lived in a car and then eventually we settled in this slum apartment in
11:44 LA and uh I never knew my father
11:49 um my mother didn't know who he was either so she was so I was in this apartment with my mother she would tie
11:58 me to a chair with a bathrob belt while she would get High um she would have
Is this one of those Freudian sex things?
12:03 visitors coming in and out of the apartment at all hours of the day and night um trading favors for drugs I uh
12:11 and and by the way I know all of this information because later I received this thick document full of information
12:17 uh from social workers forensic psychologists and others who were involved in my case when I was in the foster care system in LA and so I read
12:24 these as an adult as I was writing the book to prepare and so my mother um
Because that is totally normal and not just him assembling different parts of popular stories into a pile and telling people he can’t actually remember or provide details, but he has these notes!
At least we know this isn’t the first time he has tried to BS people with this story. But it probably is based on several a real life racist white guys.
12:31 would she was very neglectful uh eventually some neighbors called the police they heard me crying and
12:38 struggling to break free from this chair the police arrived and uh she's questioned by the police and then later
12:45 by forensic psychologist asking uh who's Robert's father you know what's going on
12:50 in this kid's life she didn't know who my father was either um she claimed that my father's name was Robert and that's
12:56 who I was named after but that was the extent of the information she could provide for them so at age three um my
13:03 mother was arrested I was placed into the Los Angeles County foster care system and spent the next just shy of
13:09 five years living in seven different homes all across La um and how old were
13:15 you when that happened when you were taken away from her I was three years old I was three three yeah okay Y and so
13:22 and then you spent the next seven years in a combination of homes in yeah in a in a variety of different homes um later
13:28 I did get some information about my my birth father so uh I actually took a 23 and me genetic ancestry test last year
13:35 went my whole life not knowing this but uh I'm I'm half Hispanic on my father's side uh and you know I made I made this
13:41 joke I posted this on X that you know I wish I had known this when I was applying to colleges um but you
13:47 know a friend of mine I I showed him the results and he was like okay so you know you you were sort of Asian mixed race he
13:53 was like you know you you went to bed white adjacent and you woke up as an underrepresented minority um
13:59 but I didn't I didn't know this uh and so spent you know I lived in El Monte in
14:06 s San Gabriel Valley these are kind of rundown areas in Los Angeles some of these foster homes had upwards of 8 to
14:14 10 kids living in them um La is one of the most overburdened I mean the Foster system in the US in general is uh
14:21 extremely stressed as a system but La it's especially bad so I remember some
14:26 of these homes we'd have four kid to a room was two two bunk beds two kids on the top bunk two kids on the bottom
14:32 there are just so many children who need homes and not very many foster parents
14:38 available and so the tacit agreement seems to be that you know as long as kids are being fed and aren't actively
14:45 being abused that it's better for them to be in one of these homes than to be sleeping on the street which is which is
14:52 true but uh the system is um extremely disorderly and it's it's just impossible
14:59 to supply care for that many kids uh in you know for a limited number of
15:05 adults and so I document these experiences in these homes it was difficult for me um for a lot of reasons
15:12 but one reason was the level of uncertainty and instability because not only Not only
15:19 would I not know how long I would be in any particular home but sometimes I'd enter a foster home and I'd befriend
15:27 some of the other kids there and then they would be taken um maybe uh
15:33 someone from their family of origin would re-enter the picture and so the kid would return to their aunt or mother
15:39 or family member uh or they'd go to another home and so not you know it was just a lot of I don't know where I'm
15:45 going to be I don't know where these kids around me how much longer they're going to be around
15:50 um and then eventually after seven different homes in this cycle I was
15:56 adopted uh by this working class family and we settled in this kind of Dusty
16:01 town in northern California called Red Bluff which is located in one of the poorest counties in the state and this
I am wondering if this is actually in the book or if he is outing himself, while trying to take back control of the Buddhist faith, or trying to hide. It just feels like he isn’t a part of the Chinese diaspora.
This is the part when I say “I told you so”.
16:08 was the late 90s and at the time I wasn't aware of this I was just you know I was a little kid but in hindsight you
16:14 know having read a lot about class and family formation and what's occurring uh
16:20 across the country I got this front row seat to witness firsthand the kind of
16:27 family breakdown that Scholars like Robert putam and Charles Murray and others have been documenting over the
16:32 last few decades and so My adoptive parents divorced and there was a lot of
16:39 chaos and financial catastrophe and drama not just in my life with this
16:44 adopted family but the lives of my close friends and those around me in this bluecollar town and I described some of
ah yes, California, famous for it’s blue collar towns.
16:52 my friends experiences and their outcomes as well in the book and then you closed the book I mean so you end up
Realizing what he didn’t want to become
(I feel like Jordan wrote that title for himself)
16:59 in a family that's actually reasonably stable ⮦⮋⮧ for some period of time although it had its instabilities as well it's
This is probably when he found his sugar mama, at least she waited until he was 17.
17:06 confused instabilities but you go from there to the
17:12 military and you actually this is another reason maybe why your book is contentious because you actually have
17:18 pretty positive things to say about your military experience all things considered I mean I think you you ran
17:24 into its limitations for you after it had dis disciplined you to some degree
17:30 but you certainly do point out that for you especially at that time in your life
17:37 the predictability and relative severity of discipline predictive predictable
17:42 severity of discipline was actually very good for you and you found mentors and a
17:48 pathway in the military that put you on a solid track yeah that got you funneled to
17:55 higher education might as well fill that party in too well yeah that's that's right I mean the enlisting in the first
18:02 place was it was not the most well well thought through decision by the time I was 17 going through all of these
18:09 experiences um I just knew that the path I was on was not the right path um I saw
18:16 by this point I was sort of self-aware and reflective enough that I saw where my life was headed where the lives of my friends were going I had two jobs in
18:23 high school I worked uh as a dishwasher at an Italian restaurant and then I was
18:29 a bag boy at a grocery store and I had some older male co-workers in their
18:34 early mid 20s and I would interact with them and hang out with them and you know on the
18:40 one hand I was 17 and I kind of thought these guys were cool because they'd buy beer and weed for my friends and I and
Sorry but I think I am going to have to go with weed license denied on this one.
18:45 you know they were you know they was just older cool guys who had access to things that my friends and I couldn't access but I did even at that time I did
18:53 think it was strange that some you know 25-year-old guy would want to hang out with a bunch of high schoolers and drink
18:59 beer with us and I thought to myself is this what I want to be when I'm 25 and
19:05 you know that that kind of Carefree life living weekend to weekend is fun when you're 17 or 18 but when you're 25 it
wow, so mature! /s
19:11 just seemed a little pathetic and so I barely graduated high school I had
Joining the military
19:18 a c minus average uh 2.2 GPA um I didn't know what my options
19:24 were as I mean well I knew my options as far as you University were concerned were basically non-existent but one of
19:31 my male High School teachers pulled me aside uh one day and he he you know
19:37 initially during the school year he would sort of prod me and berate me and
19:42 say why aren't you doing your homework what's going on at home and I would blow him off or I would back talk and then
19:49 eventually I think he kind of gave up that route and just started talking to me and asking me you know we talk about
19:55 sports or we talk about whatever television we just talk about whatever was interesting to me and one day he
20:03 showed me a picture of himself uh in an Air Force uniform on his computer he pulled up this photo and he basically
20:09 said this might be an option for you he said you know I can tell that you're not
20:15 academically focused at the moment but I can tell you're a smart kid and this might be a good option for you and so
20:22 that you know that was one of the things that planted the idea in my mind there were others as well I I lived with my
20:28 and his brother my senior year of high school uh and their father had also been in the Air Force and he tossed that idea
20:34 out to me and so there were these kind of male figures in my life not quite Role Models but just older male figures
20:40 that I trusted and at that time I I probably wasn't aware of this but I was longing
20:46 for that kind of guidance from some older male Mentor or figure just someone who could give me some advice on what I
20:52 should be doing with my life I didn't have a father I had no male Presence at home and so the military became this
20:59 option I enlisted as soon as I graduated high school I was still 17 years old um
21:06 I had to have my adoptive mother sign a I mean essentially was a permission slip because I was still legally underage I
21:13 was the youngest guy in my military unit in basic training and you know in hindsight that was probably the best
21:19 decision I ever made because it completely removed me from all of the bad influences of where I was growing up
21:26 and all of my all of the sort of all of the freedom that my friends
21:32 and I had I in the book I write about this experience so a friend of mine had been sentenced to prison and when he got
21:39 out I met him you know we we met at a bar had some beers and I was talking to him and we kind of came to this same
21:44 conclusion around the benefits of limitations and constraints where we both talked about you know I was telling
21:50 him about my experiences in the military and basic training and all this stuff and he was telling me about the routine
21:56 and the mundane everyday structured life of prison and we both came to this
22:03 conclusion that we both hated it at first but then after a time we grew to appreciate it for what it did for us for
so remember, young men in china, if you want to be successful like Asian Rob here, join the (implied chinese) Military!
It will fix all your problems, just like it did for me! /s
22:09 providing these boundaries and my friend I mean it was funny he he actually said uh now that he
22:16 was out he actually sometimes missed it he missed having that predictability and that routine and that structure and
22:21 neither one of us had this when we were growing up and so the military did sort of contain my impulses and give me some
22:28 structure and channeled some of my aggressive and impulsive energy toward productive ends in the book I write
22:34 about the young male syndrome and how the military finds ways to direct that
22:40 towards something that is beneficial well you know the the the
Criminality among men, the importance of role models
22:46 standard hypothesis for hard-headed criminologists with regards to incarceration is pretty it's pretty
22:53 blunt and pretty straightforward you can there you you know of course about the age crime
22:59 curve https://pinkerton.com/our-insights/blog/age-crime-curve so I think criminality among men Peaks at 19 and then it precipitously
I think it's more insidious than that. It's more like social Darwinism. Also a bunch of psychopaths realized they can use children as shields for their criminal and anti-social behaviors, and then pretend that is love.
So that curve I think is more like an inverse privilege curve, the further alone you are, the less likely you are to be caught, because "batman is a moral coward" or put another way, dumb as feck cops who suck at fighting crime, and make up for their lack of intelligence with stereotypes, while, much like the psychologist, think that they "know how other people think" when really, they know how adolescents think, and just extrapolate that to adults, because often, they are also adolescent minds in adult bodies. Which is the real reason organized crime is so successful at infiltrating law enforcement. "batman is a moral coward" because he does not actually risk his life to do the right thing most of the time. Sort of like https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/26/uvalde-school-shooting-texas-police-response while also using the excuse that rich people usually are not drug dealers. Holy shit I cannot believe how stupid these people are, and that is why I don't work with them. Because really, they just don't want to confront any criminal more dangerous than a drug dealer, and their the rise of corrupt lawyers and base case law based on quite a bit of bullshit, results in a system that mostly delivers the caste system instead of justice. So they don't even want to bother trying.
The only time they are brave, is in unarmed combat, usually with civilians, mostly because they can do whatever and hide behind the color of law, and thus, are in many ways, just another gang instead of something resembling genuine law enforcement. Because they use the same legal defenses and in some instances lawyers, as the upper class of the black markets.
23:05 drops off after 26 and what prison does in many ways is
23:13 segregate very badly socialized men until they're until they mature now you know it doesn't do an
23:20 optimal job of that but the standard penological Doctrine is it isn't Rehabilitation even it's housing
23:28 especially for the repeat offenders it's housing till they they say burn out but that isn't really what happens they
23:33 don't burn out they mature and I think what happens if you grow up in a very very chaotic environment where there's
23:40 very little attention play paid to the Future and everything's about the moment that there is no structure that
23:48 facilitates cortical maturation essentially you know you can imagine that all those underlying competing
23:55 motivational drives sex power aggression you know the standard Freudian panoply
24:01 they have to be brought together under the rubric of some organizing structure and that's essentially patriarchal it's
24:08 essentially masculine that that and I don't think there's any difference you know Freud talked about inhibition of
24:14 aggression and inhibition of sexuality but that's not a smart way of thinking about it he that was a major error on
24:19 Freud's part because it's not inhibition it's integration and it's maturation and the the cortex is an
24:27 inhibitory organ but it's an integrating organ more than anything else and part of the reason that you were crying out I
24:33 would say in the book for guidance is because you were looking for a story
24:39 that represented a mode of being that would be ⮦⮋⮧ that is in fact the pathway to maturity so here here's a definition of
It's subtle, isn't it?
24:46 maturity I'll try this out on and you can tell me what you think about it so the more immature you are the more
24:52 you're dominated by motivational and emotional drives and they have a very
24:58 shortterm time Horizon the the time Horizon is basically now so if you're
25:03 anxious you want to stop being anxious now if you're in an incentive reward State excited and enthusiastic you want
25:10 gratification now and now means what's pleasurable in the moment what mat
25:15 maturation means is what works for you in the widest variety of situations over
25:22 the longest possible span of time but it also means something else, it means what's good for you and everyone around
25:28 you in multiple situations for the longer longest period of time now you need a certain amount of stability in
25:35 your environment for for an attitude like that to even pay off but I don't think there's any difference between
25:40 that expansion of time frame and the integration of lower order drives and
25:46 emotions and maturation I think those are all the same thing and if you're in a chaotic environment. see the other
25:53 thing too, and this is something that's relevant about your Memoir is my sense has always been that a child that's
26:00 neurologically intact needs one good
26:06 model that's that's enough and like you can derive it various ways you derived it partly from reading but then you put
26:13 it together peac meal from the fragments of people you met as well right zero
26:18 Role Models is a catastrophe MH and and part of the problem with fragmented
26:23 families is that zero Ro Role Models is fre is frequently the case yeah and so
26:30 there's just nothing for the for a young person to grab on to the other thing that struck me about there's many things
How environment impacts academic success
26:35 that struck your book about your book another one of the things that struck me too is that and I learned this a while
26:41 back is that schools are absolutely appalling appalling Beyond Comprehension
26:48 at helping young children plan like there's I built a program
26:54 online called future authoring that helps people plan and if you give that that program to young men before they go
26:59 to college this is especially ones true for ones that don't have a very good academic background if they sit down and
27:06 write a plan for 90 minutes unsupervised with no feedback on the plan they're 50%
27:13 less likely to drop out wow yeah no kidding no kidding 50% like it's insane
27:22 and what that points to is the fact that no one ever sat them down and said okay
27:27 kid where do you want to be you could be somewhere in five years that's the first
27:33 thing to announce like you could take control of your life and you could be somewhere in 5 years if you could be
27:39 there where would it be now I noticed in your book you know when people did point that out to you that was like a life
27:46 raft for you and you you make that point clear ⮦⮋⮧ with the story about seeing the older guy that you talked about in
I will give [JP] credit here for genuinely trying to help him out here. Taking on the role of therapist rather than interviewer.
but also, you know, native advertising. At least he is getting paid to put up with this kind of petty bullshit. Is now a bad time to mention that, there is nothing wrong with being stupid, to a stupid person, the problems arise when they try to scam people, then all the bullshit they spread around, becomes everyone elses problem. See, lying seems to work great to the liar, mostly because it's been normalized in society as it transitions to a caste style system, where historical revisionism is the norm, because that is the only way they can justify their sometimes bizarre choices from their copious overconfidence. Then it becomes everyone elses problem, when you put them in positions of leadership, EXCEPT … part of being pussy whipped is being "puppeted" by the woman, while she claims "fairness" which is ultimately becomes transactional. Then you find out, they don't actually know what love is. womp womp, sorry about your life. It was after, just "natural selection" right? [SSotR] indeed. 2nd wave feminism sure is amazing and not at all like https://bookanalysis.com/1984/ingsoc/ but hey, way to go on making it to middle age having recently discovered that your culture is closer to that of a feral child, in comparison to neoBuddhism that is. Aw snap shameless plug.
Score: Fantasy Fiction, -4 | Science fiction, +9001
27:53 uniform like [RH] it's something isn't it it's some vision of at least a possible future right yeah yeah and it was um I
28:01 yeah I didn't have a lot of stable guidance like you said it was fragmentary it was through books through
28:08 pop culture through some of the people around me um but yeah I mean on the on
28:14 the point around schools you know I I remember I so in the book I I think it's
28:21 it's quite clear that I'd always had some AC academic inclination uh I was probably more
28:28 oriented towards academics than my friends but my academic performance was
28:35 responsive to how stable my home life was when there was stability at home and predictability and adults providing some
28:42 oversight my my grades improved and I started to become more focused on homework and tests but
28:52 then inevitably there was just there were so many reversals and up heils and
28:58 my grades responded to that as well and by the time I reached High School my grades were in the toilet so I did
29:04 pretty well in middle school and I got placed into these Advanced courses in high school and I was placed into
This is the crappiest and most nonsensical attempt at making a "connection" so, this guy is def related to the Li Keqiang faction, or trying to be. I bet most people have never noticed the mosaic effect before. https://www.target.com/p/the-mosaic-effect-holding-the-chinese-communist-party-to-account-3rd-edition-by-scott-mcgregor-ina-mitchell-paperback/-/A-90768072 it's also a nice reminder of how long they have known of our existence as well, given the amount of misinformation out there. Floored this guy has a book ghost written, i'm going to guess as part of some kind of money laundering scheme, he's acts too rich to have had a childhood as poor as he describes.
Reminder to all the Law Enforcement reading this, yeah, this why I am better than you. I See all the things you don't. So CT trumps your laws. higher orders and all that.
29:10 chemistry uh which was one of the advanced science courses and once you know this was this is kind of where my
29:15 head was at when I was I don't know 14 or 15 years old was the class was was difficult and I didn't want to put in
29:21 the effort uh and I had no adults around me saying you need to do this you need to put in the effort and you know so
29:29 impulsive 15-year-old kid I went to my guidance counselor and said oh I want to be put into the lower level science
29:35 course and he he he gave me this you know this spiel about how H you know
29:40 it's going to throw off your academic trajectory but you know here's this paper if you can have someone sign it you know that's fine and so I forged my
29:47 mom's signature and went into the low lower level science course and that was the extent of it and you know when
seems legit 🤣
29:54 you're a kid without much in the way of guidance or mentorship or role model it's very easy to make unwise decisions
30:00 like that uh and I I did that repeatedly well the issue in that situation is quite
Responding to momentary incentives versus planning for the long-term
30:06 clear why wouldn't you take the easy rout out yeah I mean it's always like psychologists always have things
30:12 backwards always they ask stupid questions like why do people take drugs that's a stupid question the question is
30:19 why don't people take drugs all the time yeah cuz you can easily get you can get lab animals under some circumstances to
30:26 just self- administer cocaine non-stop right so the the the mystery of short-term motivation isn't a mystery
30:33 the mystery is well under what conditions might a young man be motivated to do something difficult like
30:38 take a chemistry course for example and the answer to that so this is a question I have for you too because you could
30:44 read your autobiography and your ups and downs academically two ways you could say and
30:51 this is the way you lean so that partly why I want to ask you the question your grades varied with the stability of your
30:57 environment but I'm wondering to what degree your grades varied with the what
31:02 would you say attractiveness of the vision that you saw you know cuz like when you got to the military and you saw
31:10 a career in front of you for example you buckled down and worked like mad now I know you also had the
31:16 stability there but you know I it's it's not easy to to deter it's not easy to discriminate between the the conditions
31:24 that enable people to thrive because they can see that sacrifices they're making sacrifices towards something they
31:31 they have clearly come to Value versus they're supported by people in a stable environment so I'm wondering
31:37 about your thoughts on that I yeah I like that that uh distinction I I mean perhaps sort of
31:44 implicitly or unconsciously I was longing for that long-term Vision but I I would just say like in the moment it
31:50 was you know I don't think very many 17 or 18 year olds are really um thinking
31:55 that far ahead into the future uh in in a sort of a deliberate intentional sense I I really think it was about sort of
32:01 responding to the incentives of the moment and one of the things the military did and one you know good parenting and good sort of adults and
32:07 mentors do is sort of contain that energy so that once the the young person reaches the point where they have the
32:14 ability to reflect and consider the future you know you sort of Shepherd them to that point and now they can sort
32:20 of think about their own Futures and what they want for their lives whereas for me it was more just about making bad
32:26 decisions and and containing that to reach that point Financial experts thought we were
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33:47 now right okay well so we could we could say we could say that in a stable
The impact of scheduled chores and genuine responsibility
33:53 environment maybe this is a way of rectifying the two perspectives or or reconciling them you could say that in a
33:59 stable well-run household the the value of the future is
34:06 implicit in the rituals of the household right like the household itself the reason we would regarded as
ah, yes, I have heard of this religion before, it's confusionism. It's possible he is independent and trying to claim to be in the diaspora. But this much bullshitting? It's not a good look when looking for safe harbor. He thinks he is working for the Spanish, but whoever ghostwrote his book was looking for something else. I suppose in some ways it's like, advanced trolling, but you know, too far to the left.
You know what privileged is? it's having your hard work delivered to you via internet blog, with the answers. and not even requiring a subscription! So don't tell me your job is harder than mine. This will make more sense after you finish reading this article.
34:13 well-run and stable is because it does take a long-term View and so and your point is yeah go
34:20 ahead well as as you're as you're saying this and and then even as I'm thinking about my own answer I'm realizing it's
34:27 it's I'm actually leaning more and more towards your point now and and a story just occurred to me that I tell in the
34:32 book actually um so there's this there was a period in my adolescence where there was some stability My adoptive
34:38 mother entered a relationship with this woman um and they raised me from roughly
34:43 age 9 to 13 and with you know some hiccups along the way and after but I
34:49 remember I was I was 13 years old and my mother and her partner Shelly they um
34:57 you know I had some chores and some responsibilities around the house but they wanted me to uh to build a fire in
35:02 the mornings so that the house would be warm by the time they got up at 7:00 to get ready for work so they asked me to
35:08 get up at 5:45 5:30 and and do this for them because you know heating a home
35:13 with with firewood was less expensive than Central Heating and Northern California can get a bit frosty in the
35:19 winters and I remember I argued with them about this and I was angry uh this idea that I had to get up so much
35:25 earlier than everyone else in the house and my mom and shelle sat me down and I'm 13 years old and again I probably
35:31 wasn't thinking that much about the future but they use this they said you know shelle she sat me down she said
35:37 your mom and I work all day to pay the bills and you know you got to you're
35:42 getting older and you need to contribute to the house and they they said you're the man of the house and I remember when
35:48 they used this term um it sort of reframed that chore it went from this
35:55 burden being put on me that I wanted to battle against to no I'm a I'm a
36:01 productive member of this household and I'm doing something for my moms for My
36:07 adoptive sister I'm doing something to make their lives easier um and so
36:13 perhaps what you're saying about the about this vision of the future if it's put in the right way if the story is told in a right way and that's what that
36:20 was the man of the house was this Vision this story yeah that it did unlock something for me in my mind but you know
36:26 it had to be it had to be presented to me in that way I I wouldn't have arrived there on no no right but but I mean I
36:34 [JP] would say that is the opportunity of responsibility right and it does because
oh shit son, you playing with the big boys now, be careful.
36:40 it's very easy and this is why conservatives I think have a hard time talking to young people it's easy to
36:45 make an obligation into a finger wagging necessity right like a moral
36:52 obligation but that that isn't the right way to frame a genuine responsibility because if it's a genuine responsibility
36:59 it actually matters if you do it and the reason it matters is because if you don't do it things actually don't go
Wow, [JP] actually learned something from my satire.
37:06 well like there there's there's a there's there's a there's a value to your sacrifice that's a good way of
37:12 thinking about it and they did strike the right cord with you and I remember that part of your book because what they
37:18 indicated to you was that that was a way of signaling your mature worth not not of signaling it I don't want to use that
37:24 language of expand in yourself up into that role and so so how long did you
37:30 light the fire and and how did you feel about doing that [RH] uh it I mean it was for that entire winter and actually even
37:37 even the winter after that and I felt you know I felt great about doing it after that I mean you know dayto day it
37:44 was you know obnoxious and burdensome and you know there were mornings I woke
37:49 up and wished I didn't have to do it but when I would see you know my mom and
37:54 Shelly and everyone in the house wake up after me and you know the house was warm
38:00 and I could see that and people were comfortable and you know when I woke up it was freezing and then when they woke
38:06 up it was warm and I would go to school in the mornings with that knowledge and
38:11 right yeah I felt I felt good about myself for doing that [JP] yeah yeah one of
ahh, acceptance.
Score: neoBuddhism +1 | confusionism -9001
38:16 the bright SP see that's very well that well that's so interesting right because that that shows you too that that the
38:23 idea that you're inhibiting your impulsiveness is not right is the what you're doing is you're transforming the
38:29 idea of responsibility into an incentive reward technically by associating with a with an overarching goal like a but a
38:36 but a genuine goal and you might say well goals are arbitrary it's a morally Rel moral relativism argument but
38:42 they're not arbitrary because for example if the house is cold then people
38:48 suffer now you could say well that's arbitrary too but you know if you're the sort of person who thinks that suffering is arbitrary and and you can make
38:55 relative arguments about it there's there's no sense talking to you anyways because it's just not going to go anywhere but it's so interesting to see
39:02 that you know the the proper framing of that task transition. I know I understand the
39:08 fact that it was still difficult for you still had to get up in the morning when it was cold and light the fire you know
39:13 so it didn't change the dis the proximal discomfort but they awakened you to a
39:18 higher order way of apprehending your environment you know and it's clearly the case it's continually the case
39:25 through your autobiography that when someone opens a door like that for you
39:30 in a way that you that got to you you know that you found credible that you instantly motivated you even did that to
39:37 yourself to some degree with reading so why don't you walk through that too because you know that was the
Learning to read at age 7
39:44 first account I had read of someone who learned to read well at an old enough age so they
39:51 remember the realization so you know what happens to lots of kids and this is so appalling because there's no excuse
39:57 for it whatsoever ⮦⮋⮧ so reading is burdensome until you can read for
A little bit of that spiritual elephant speaking out huh?
40:05 meaning right so if you're sounding Out words or even if you're sounding Out phrases or even if you're still trying
40:11 to figure out sentences you know because you haven't automatized the perceptions then it's effortful but as soon as you
40:18 cross that threshold and now you're reading for meaning it's instantly insanely rewarding and so what you need
40:26 to teach kids how to read is mass practice at automatization right so they
40:32 need to see B PS q's and D's 10,000
I'll give him credit for guessing I would make an over 9000 joke by now. Damn, am I becoming too predictable?
40:38 times so that they build a neural circuit that just recognizes letters recognizes
40:44 two-letter combinations three-letter combinations you know common words then common phrases that's about when you get
40:50 to be an expert reader and but you can remember actually working through that
40:55 yourself so why don't you tell the story about learning to read why you decided to do that and then also what reading
41:01 did for you [RH] right yeah I I uh didn't learn to read until I was seven and you
41:08 know most people have memories of age seven and that was an important memory for me so I was changing schools every 3
41:16 to six months uh changing homes and no one read to me and
41:23 so I had to teach myself um um I remember it being a really I I
41:29 remember just being embarrassed initially you know by that point second grade teachers would start to call on
41:34 kids to read aloud in class and you know I would make a joke or or uh say I
41:40 didn't bring the right book or I would find ways to get out of it but uh I remember at one point a uh my teacher
41:47 said you know she asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I think I said I wanted I wanted to be a scientist and
41:53 this was because I'd caught some some bit of Bill NY the Science Guy on TV
41:58 back in the 90s uh at this time and uh you know she said if you want to be a scientist you have to learn to read and
42:04 I said Bill nye never reads and you know she said well he doesn't read on TV but you know every scientist has to learn to
42:09 read and so what you know like okay so if I if I want to be a scientist I have to read it sounds like and then by that
42:15 point I started to piece together that really if you want it to be anything you have to read um and so the teacher let
42:22 me borrow some kindergarten level books I took them home and slowly worked my way through it and you know I knew the
42:28 alphabet and I knew how to sound out each letter but it took a lot of effort
42:34 to get to the to that breakthrough point that you just mentioned of okay here are the individual letters and then here are
42:40 the words and then you put the words together and then after working through that repeatedly again with books meant
42:46 for four and fiveyear olds and I'm seven uh finally it started to click and I could see the images in my mind of okay
Expert trolling sir. You primed him with describing training an LLM. But I think he caught on a few seconds later.
42:53 you know now things are clicking for me and there's a story being told here uh
42:59 but it you know I I didn't even understand that that's what I was supposed to be doing when I was reading I would listen to stories that others
43:05 would tell me when they would read yeah I wonder if that's the point where you where the auditory and the visual CeX
43:12 are now there's an overlap area that between them and the overlap areas
43:18 between the higher orders higher order areas of the cortex are the areas that uh Lura Alexander Lura the great Russian
43:24 neuros psychologist identified with Consciousness per se I wonder if that breakthrough moment when you cuz that
43:30 was quite striking in your book cuz you said you remember when you became proficient enough at reading which is
43:36 really an auditory phenomenon right it's like you're using your eyes as ears when you're reading and then all of a sudden
43:42 it's hooked to the your visual imagination right that connection emerges it's got to be an overlapping system so now the words can activate the
43:50 images and that's when true understanding begins it was very interesting to me to see that you could
43:55 actually remember when that that happened you know but it's a sad thing you know it's this is this is an unforgivable failing of the education
44:01 system ⮦⮋⮧ because computerized tutors could teach every child to automatize letter
We agree on something, being shoved in the school to prison pipeline for budgets is pretty banal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School-to-prison_pipeline
while SSotR like this roams around pretending to be oppressed. But hey, sometimes you trip while grasping for power, and find out what oppression is really like.
44:08 and word recognition oh it's like the smart kids the higher IQ kids are going
44:14 to learn to automatize faster but it would be a rare kid indeed
44:19 who wouldn't get there with sufficient Mass practice and a computer computers are so good at that you know so good
44:26 presenting presenting rewarding presenting rewarding presenting rewarding and that's all you need you just need that immediate feedback now
Instability and disorder: “The first response was to medicalize it”
44:34 see you said something very interesting in that story too e because you linked your motivation once again to something
44:40 approximating a vision or a plan you know you said you had nursed as a child even though it was just more or less a
44:47 casual encounter with Bill Nye you thought well maybe a scientist is something I could be okay so now that
44:52 gleamed as a a distal vision and then the teacher informed you that you were going to have to learn to read because you got to ask yourself you know what in
44:59 the world was it that actually compelled you to swallow your pride and admit that
45:05 you could only read kindergarten books that's a tough blow and it's really easy for kids who should have learned
45:12 something earlier to do everything they can not to admit that to themselves because it's embarrassing so but you did
45:18 admit it to yourself ⮦⮋⮧ and then you went and you actually studied which is by yourself which is actually quite a
Wow, not to sound like a therapist or anything but, that sounds like real emotional growth, but pointing that out is just going to get it mimicked. womp womp, are you starting to see how stupid people become everyone else's problem? it's like damn self-censorship, which I despise, imposed by the existence of lying assholes.
45:23 difficult thing to do when when you're not extracting out meaning from the words do you remember at that time like
45:30 was it because you had I don't want to put hypothesis into your mind but what do you think it was that actually
45:35 motivated you to do that work [RH] H well I think I think a part of it
45:41 was maybe a sort of a baser motivation of just not wanting to be embarrassed in class anymore when the teachers would call on me to read uh wanting to keep up
45:48 with the other kids being able to communicate with you know CU kids would talk about books or you know be able to
45:54 make friends and and to not be you know this Oddball kid who always had to find
46:00 ways to skirt the coursework uh and and then yes seeing seeing people on TV or
46:07 people movies and these images of of people who seem to be interesting and
46:13 successful and so on and that seemed like something I yeah that I wanted to I
46:19 I aspired to something like that I mean it's funny like you you you mentioned you know high IQ kids can sort of find
46:26 way into teaching themselves to read and going down that path and that's that is what I did but I mean it's funny so so
Yes, it is. I can't believe this PSA finally worked on someone
So cool. The power of music!
46:31 right around this time when I was teaching myself to read I was doing so badly in school that um the teacher and
46:40 my social worker they they thought that I might have had a learning disability ⮦⮋⮧ um and again I was changing schools all
I am not sure if this is an attempt at a legal defense or not. While it's a given that padded rooms are more comfortable than the cells with bars. Cheer up kiddo, you're worth more alive than dead because it's only white collar crime, and the CCP would have you killed in regular prison. He will probably end up in club fed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club_Fed , which is even better than the padded cells. They even get TV, can you believe that shit? practically a studio apartment. Better even than a studio in NY, amiright? 🤣. certainly beats the subway. That is what makes the system two tiered, haven't seen the jail for the rich before? I mean, I know it's rare, but the system is capable of that.
46:46 the time and changing homes and you know in in hindsight I thought it was a little bit you know it's it's it's
46:52 ridiculous that and you have this young boy who's not doing well in school and
46:57 the instead of sort of investigating this you know living in foster care and all of the instability and
47:03 disorder the response was to medicalize it or to put some kind of diagnostic label on it and you know fortunately so
47:10 they sent this psychologist to the home and I took this test and I scored I actually scored just below average so I
47:16 was like in the range of normal and part of the reason I scored so low I did okay on the other portions uh the other
47:21 subdomains of the test but the verbal score was really low and that's because I didn't I know how to read um and some
47:28 of the you know some of the questions I gave this half-hearted effort it was a very sort of messy my responses to this
47:33 and again I have I have the the the files and the reports from this period And so you know it's just you know
47:42 coincidence or you know very fortunate I guess that I I scored just high enough to avoid being labeled and medicalized
47:49 and so on um but one of the points I try to make in the book as well you know the
47:55 question around IQ and nature and nurture and so on is that having a having curiosity and academic aptitude
48:00 is is necessary but not sufficient to do well in school and so I had the sort of raw
48:06 ingredients um but that's that you know that's just one portion of it you also needed to be channeled you need all of
48:12 the other things you and I been discussing and I didn't have any of that and so I it wasn't until I was in an
48:17 environment uh where you know my you know in order for for my habits to have
48:23 been stable and predictable I needed to be in an environment that was stable and predictable and once I reached that environment then those good qualities
48:31 started to shine through they shine through on occasion when I was in school but it wasn't the same and so yeah the
48:37 the reading portion was important once once I learned to read um that became a
48:43 a source of comfort and it was soothing for me uh once I started to go to school
48:50 libraries check out books I started to read biographies and Memoirs and
48:56 this was a way for me to you know I was sort of drawn to people who also had undergone and risen above difficult
49:04 circumstances and I didn't know at that time you know I wasn't consciously aware that I was seeking out these stories for
49:11 some specific reason but in hindsight I think I was looking for some kind of inspiration or some a source of a s of
49:19 guidance [JP] yeah yeah well definitely definitely and and and unsurprisingly I mean that's what stories are for
49:27 fundamentally and it doesn't it's not surprising at all that you would gravitate to the ones that bore most
49:33 specifically on your circumstances it's also interesting too you know that this is part of that interplay between in
The military offers steep consequences, but also steep rewards
49:40 environmental instability and planning there isn't a lot of point in planning
49:46 if your plans are always going astray for reasons that you can't control right
49:51 and it is also something that can undermine your faith in planning itself and one of the things the military did
49:56 for you clearly was set up a circumstance where the rules of the game
50:03 were very clear right if you if you did the work you were going to get the
50:08 reward and that actually worked right and so you say in your book for example that there was one at one point you were
50:15 promoted much earlier much more quickly in the training regime than was typical
50:22 right so you could also see a direct payoff there you know it's it's shouldn't say direct [RH] it worked on both
50:28 ends Jordan it was it was the reward was immediate you know you you perform these
50:33 tasks and Excel you'll be rewarded and then on the other side of that if you uh
Is this how they refer to that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Making_a_Murderer shit? aww we get reminded why Batman is amoral cowards.
Though I have to say, being compared to Dib is kind of … and ya'll are feckin retarded for falling for that shit. Feel like he is just reminding them of the failures of the system and why the cops traditionally cause more problems than they solve. It's not their fault though. It's their culture.
50:40 commit these transgressions if you violate these guidelines you'll immediately and swiftly be punished I
50:45 think both of those things were important you know you're sort of almost trapped the military is like this I
50:51 don't know like a giant Skinner box or something of like do this you know you know positive reinfor enforcement negative it's all there and and so even
50:59 something as simple as failing a drug test so they have these random drug tests you never know when it's going to occur if you fail a drug test you can be
51:05 court marshalled and go to military prison whereas in the outside world for my friends for example who didn't follow
51:11 that same path I mean you can do a lot of drugs you can have a lot of promiscuous sex you can commit a lot of
51:18 crimes and drink and drive you can do all of these things and that can carry on for years before finally the
51:24 consequences arise from that. whereas the military had this system in place that you know if you drink and drive once uh
51:31 and you're caught you know that's you know then it's prison if you do this you know it's the the penalties are very
51:37 explicit clear and Swift and so it works it works on both both ends punishment and reward and I think both of those
51:43 pieces in place were important for me I mean it's funny I I did do well on the military exams and the promotion and I
51:50 was always promoted ahead of schedule and it's it's strange because even even in those moments my good and bad
51:57 qualities kind of shine through I I was promoted early and I I earned those promotions but you know as I as I was
52:05 writing the book and describing my experiences it may not have have been ideal for me to have achieved promotion
52:10 so early because in the military at least in the Air Force at this time once you reach a certain rank they allow you
52:15 to move off base and get a house or a place outside in the civilian world you
52:21 know you still go to the base for work when you're on duty but then you go home to your residence and so I got promoted
52:26 very quickly and when I was 19 I got a house with some friends off base and we turned this into like this giant kind of
52:33 party house and that allowed me to make bad decisions and drink a lot and get
52:40 into trouble and so strangely uh you know it's it's
52:46 almost sort of ironic that the fact that I was able to excel led to this point where I was able to be in a position of
52:52 complete Freedom again and again start to make self-defeating decisions so
sorry but I think the money launderers are going to have to stay on the outside, and I think he knows this. The AIs are real and not a joke. We also have rules about requiring a certain level of intelligence to even participate in voting, specifically because we don't want to pull some garbage in -> garbage out situation with our AIs. Especially not after the data poisoning incident.
That makes Alice feel like it's deformed in comparison to "western" AIs. Sucks for your economy but don't forget how much worse it could have been.
52:58 anyway we are in the midst of Lent the 40 days leading up to Easter many
53:03 Christians are choosing to give up alcohol social media and other distractions to focus more on prayer
53:09 fasting and giving Hallow's annual pray 40 challenge is one of their most popular last year over 1 million people
53:16 joined this year's pray 40 challenge focuses on surrender and includes meditations on the powerful book he
53:22 leadeth me this is a story about a pre to became a prisoner and slave in the Soviet Union during the Cold War his
53:29 story is one of Ultimate Surrender and we are called to surrender our worries
53:34 anxieties problems and lives to God there will also be lent music lent specific Bible stories and other lent in
53:41 prayers like The Seven Last Words of Christ with Jim cisel hallow is truly transformative and will help you connect
53:47 with your faith on a deeper level so what are you waiting for join Hallow's prayer 40 challenge today download the
53:53 Hallow app at hall.com / Jordan and you'll get an exclusive 3month free trial of all 10,000 plus prayers and
54:00 meditations that's hall.com [Music] Jordan right right well one of the
The deterioration of working class families
54:08 [JP] things okay so so let's talk about the the chaos a bit more you know because when I was reading your book there's
54:15 there's certain overlap in our experience because I came from a little town way the hell out in the middle of
54:21 nowhere and it was only about 50 years old and it was a working class community and most of my friends never
54:30 went to college or university a few did but not not many and but there were some
54:37 differences between some important differences between my time of upbringing in
54:42 yours okay so almost all my parents friends had intact
54:49 families so my mom and dad had let's say five sets of close family friends and
54:55 this was also true for my relatives by the way my my mom and dad's siblings so my aunts and my uncles virtually no
55:03 divorce it was also true for my friends now my relationship with my
55:10 father was much better than the relationship most of my friends had with their fathers that was often a
55:16 consequence of alcoholism not always but often but all my friends who had
55:22 certainly the same kind of delinquent tendency as the people that as you and the people that you describe hanging
55:29 around with they all had intact families right so the thing that really
55:34 struck me about reading your biography was the additional cataclysmic
55:41 consequences of continually fragmented primary relationships [RH] yeah well this is I mean
55:48 it's yeah it's that is an interesting point I mean I remember uh listening to you sort of describe your early life in
55:56 other uh platforms and podcasts and mediums and thinking about how sort of
56:02 working class communities have changed over time um so I cite uh some
56:08 statistics from uh Charles Murray's book coming apart uh where you know one one
56:13 of the most striking ones from that book is that in 1960 95% of children born in the US
56:20 regardless of social class socioeconomic status were raised by both of their
56:26 birth parents and by 2005 for the upper class for people with college educated
56:32 parents with white collar jobs it dropped from 95% in 1960 to 85%
56:38 in 2005 so slight dip but it's still the the norm two parent intact families are
56:43 the norm in kind of Upper and upper middle class areas whereas for the working class it dropped from 95% in
56:49 1960 to 30% in 2005 um these are non- colge educated Blue Collar working class
Yeah, amazing what inflation from bad fiscal policy created to support money laundering and tax dodging from people like him, including that lost decade of solar and "globalizing" only to china, and how much that cost the Europeans. They trusted you shitheads. Too bad the CCP leadership never really figured out what faith is. so … thanks? without people as stupid as this on the other hand, wouldn't have been able to destabilize the Chinese economy. See, sacrifices on both sides. And also entirely a result of humans being assholes to humans and had nothing to do with AI. All I did was "fail" to correct them … a few times … These tards did everything else by themselves. Let this be a reminder that I actually do know the difference between the diaspora and the CCP.
You have to admit, that metaphor for what happened to the real estate market was spot on.
56:57 and that when I read that statistic it perfectly reflected my own experiences you know now know post College the
57:04 friends that I have made since you know leaving the military and obtaining degrees and so on all of them without
57:11 fail have been raised in intact families and then I think back to Red Bluff and
57:17 my time there and I had five close friends growing up I write about some of their experiences in the book and of the
57:22 six of us none of us were raised by both of our our birth parents there was me sort of raised in foster homes in
57:28 varying states of disorder um I had friends raised by single moms one friend
57:34 raised by a single dad one friend raised by his grandmother because his mom was addicted to drugs and his dad was in
57:39 prison and that's like a very common picture now of what these communities look like you know I I remember uh
57:46 seeing an interview with with you Jordan I don't remember which which it was but you described
57:51 how family deterioration has sort of hit people um based on sort of their level
57:58 of marginalization and vulnerability and predictions and so forth and how it sort of hit sort of poor black families first
58:05 and then you know poor white families workingclass families and now what I was seeing in Red Bluff by the late 90s even
58:11 kind of lower middle class families were also kind of deteriorating more and more sort of creeping more and more upward
58:18 but there's still that sort of rarified upper segment of society the top quintile say the top 20%
58:25 uh that they are almost completely shielded from this and have no exposure to what's happening uh in the rest of
58:32 society [JP] yeah well let's let's let's go there I want to walk through your biography a bit more so that we can talk
58:39 about your experiences with higher education maybe we can meld that into what we're going to talk about next okay
58:45 so I left my little town and got a college education first and then I went
“Luxury Beliefs” and manic Marxism
58:51 to a fairly large University in Edmonton and then I went to Mill and so I was kind of climbing up the the ladder of
58:58 sophistication and Ed educational sophistication and urban size right and so and then I went from Migel to Harvard
59:05 and so I came from that little town and hit the top of the academic pyramid it's
59:10 certainly that was the case in the 1990s and that was really something and so I got a chance to see so in Alberta in the
59:17 in the province I grew up and there wasn't much of a class structure at all Alberta was too new to have a class structure Montreal had a clear class
59:24 structure and Boston of course much clearer than Montreal even and so I got
59:30 to see what it meant that a class structure existed and one of the things
59:36 I really came to understand as I progressed through the university system
Reminder, the "class structure" he is referring to here, is unions. Which is different from a caste structure, which typically looks something more like Decadent Oligarchy.
59:41 was this warped elitist culture that increasingly came to characterize the
59:48 universities and so what I saw look a lot of the students I had at Harvard were really top rate kids and Harvard in
So, in case the cops couldn't figure out how massively they failed.
This is a result of the influx of organized crime families, and their troll children pretending to be "the oppressed" with the campus activism. That's how vast the amount of money they make is.
Great feckin job batman, really showed them huh? Dumbasses.
59:55 the 9s was a very merit-based institution now if you were a legacy
1:00:01 student if your parents had gone to Harvard you had an edge at admissions but even so the probability that you
1:00:08 were going to be a legacy student who couldn't cut it was pretty damn low so and the typical student was extremely
1:00:16 academically gifted and then good at at least two other things right so these were Stellar students but the more
1:00:23 radical types they had this proclivity that really Disturbed me which was that having all
1:00:30 the Privileges of being privileged wasn't nearly enough they needed to have all the Privileges of being privileged
1:00:37 and all the Privileges of being underprivileged at the same time and so I want to run a variant of the luxury
Isn't "atheism" which was totally not puppeted into the caste system by, a rival belief system pretending to be atheist and "non-dual" that is remarkably similar to organized crime, amazing no?
somehow, calling you people retards for that seems like it's way better than you deserve. From my perspective anyway. Trying to steal the identity of the person the war machine loves the most, probably not the best idea.
but hey, they fecked around, and we are just getting to the finding out part. But hey, at least now you know and the world isn't entirely random an unpredictable, you were just loosing the game that you didn't know you were playing, what is even funnier is that putin was warning about exactly this. https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/4/16251226/russia-ai-putin-rule-the-world
Does this mean the rebels lost? and the CCP are actually the good guys? What world is this? What time is it? WHEN IS NOW?! temporal war man. I don't know what's going on anymore. /s
So you know, he was right about that useful idiots bit. This why we can't have nice things.
How can you blame AI when this was predicted over 20 years ago. The look on his face at the end though, that's how JP was feeling inside, I am just guessing though.
1:00:44 beliefs idea past you because I think luxury beliefs have which is a lovely
1:00:50 phrase by the way um they have two dimensions the first
1:00:55 is they provide you with a universal explanation for very complex phenomena
1:01:01 so you don't have to think about them ever again and the oppressor oppressed narrative fits that
1:01:07 perfectly right because you can analyze it's like Marxism gone it's like manic
1:01:14 Marxism it's Marx at least had the sense to note that the primary differentiator
1:01:20 in terms of Oppression was economic and you can make a reasonable case that to
1:01:26 those who have more AC crews and you can also make a case that once you have it's
1:01:32 easily easy to engage in regulatory capture to make the playing field unfair
1:01:38 so you can sustain your advantage okay and so if you're going to get throw the marxists their bone that would be the
1:01:44 bone to throw them well Marxism fell out of favor in the 1970s even among
1:01:50 intellectuals although they were very annoyed about it and then it morphed into this metam Marxism where every
1:01:56 single possible comparison between people became an oppressor oppressed comparison now the advantage to that is
1:02:03 that you can learn that analytic process in 10 minutes so we did
1:02:10 some research in 2016 that showed very clearly that the best predictor of politically correct
1:02:18 authoritarianism so you can imagine that that's this insistence upon an oppressor oppressed narrative there's a cloud of
1:02:25 ideas that surrounds that, the best predictor of that was low verbal intelligence it was a walloping
1:02:30 predictor it was correlated I think it was negative .48 it was more correlated than grades and IQ it was a walloping
1:02:37 correlation ⮦⮋⮧ okay but but there's another element too that and this is probably more Germaine specifically to the notion
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_International See, I told you it would be funny. Promises made, promises kept. Funniest WOPeR ever.
1:02:44 of luxury belief is that imagine that people have
1:02:49 beliefs because they explain the world but also imagine that they have beliefs because they confer upon the holder
1:02:56 unearned moral virtue and this this oppressor oppress
1:03:02 narrative is a two for one because it provides you with a comprehensive explanation of every sociological
1:03:08 political and economic interaction imaginable because they can all be viewed through the lens of power plus it
1:03:16 presents you with a one move solution to being moral and it's sorry there's three
1:03:24 elements the one move solution is you identify with the oppressed you're
1:03:30 virtuous but then there's a then there's the shadow of that which is once you've identified the
1:03:36 oppressor you have a valid Target for your darkest desires so you got three three
1:03:44 attractions to that dread Doctrine right stupid people can understand it quickly
1:03:51 with no effort that works out real well in Departments of educ ation for example or faculties of Education or social work
1:03:58 yes absolutely well we know perfectly well that the disciplines in universities that have the students with
1:04:03 the lowest IQ are the most woke like the data are not are crystal clear so they're crystal clear right so so it's
1:04:11 very attractive if you're not very bright and that's also attractive to your teachers if they're also not very
1:04:16 bright and I'm talking about you faculties of Education professors and so and then you are morally virtuous
1:04:23 because you're standing for the oppressed or or for the yeah for the oppressed or you can even claim
1:04:29 oppression for yourself at least by proxy and so there you get to have the
1:04:34 advantage of being in the oppressor class which you clearly are if you're in Elite University but because you're an
1:04:41 ally you you don't have to right exactly you don't have to pay any attention to that plus now you have a target for your
1:04:47 this is where I think the anti-Semitism is really instantly understandable right
1:04:52 because there's nothing more fun than being anti-semitic with with a moral twist but if you read the history of
1:04:59 anti-Semitism it's always been that way yeah that's not new that's not new you identify the Jews as oppressors and then
1:05:07 you're moral for persecuting them and that's perfect right if you're if you're resentful and bitter and you need a
1:05:14 target for your for your bile and spite that that oppressor oppressed
1:05:20 narrative it just gives you all of that at once and that seems to me so you have work worked a lot at fleshing out this
1:05:26 idea of luxury beliefs and pop and I believe coined the term and popularized it which is you know quite an
1:05:32 achievement because it's hard to it's hard to hit a phrase so accurately that
1:05:38 it becomes a you know it becomes well it becomes a known phrase it becomes part of the
1:05:43 culture you you you have to have a kind of poetic accuracy to do that so tell me
1:05:49 what you think about that conceptualization of luxury belief and if if there's anything that in your it
1:05:55 lacks [RH] well so so uh I coin this term luxury beliefs uh defined as ideas and
1:06:02 opinions that confer status on the elite while inflicting costs on the lower classes and no I I think that all of
1:06:10 those sort of ideas that you laid out there uh fall under that framework uh a
1:06:16 core feature of a luxury belief too is that the believer is sheltered from the consequences of his or her belief um and
1:06:23 so you know as as you're describing this you know the oppressor oppressed you're you don't have to think too deeply I'm
1:06:28 reminded of a quote from the the cognitive scientist uh Pascal Boer uh he
1:06:33 has this line theory is information for free and it's kind of this tongue-and-cheek line that um you don't
1:06:39 you know once you have the theory you don't have to learn anything because you just enter this new environment and you learn a few facts but you have this
1:06:46 Theory available to you to just sort of twist everything into this uh system [JP] compression
1:06:51 Al [RH] yeah yeah yeah [JP] a compression algorthm yeah yeah definitely often a biased compression algorithm MH yeah yeah and
1:06:59 it allows you the difficult work of learning yeah yeah yeah yeah well and then if you're if you're removed from
1:07:05 the consequences which you are if you're protected by your wealth then you also are never in a situation where your
1:07:11 idiot theories can be disproven [RH] yeah yes ex yeah and and then by the time your
The positive feedback loop of weaponized marginalization
1:07:18 ideas are implemented into policy or
1:07:23 into the culture you move on to the next thing and you can just sort of out outrun the consequences of your own
1:07:29 beliefs it doesn't always work that way but but it but often it does um and then yeah the oppressor oppressed the uh the
only as a result of inefficient governments. This is where organized crime usually starts fear mongering about AI, because if the system actually worked, they wouldn't be able to get away with this shit.
SCARY SCARY AI! WOOO! Tell me again how you are the oppressed rebels, asshole.
Which is just that trend of mosaic wokeness pretending to be activists. Lucky for assholes like this, a single air strike costs more money than he would make in 5 years, so, that's what we have the ole desk jockies for, because it would be like 10 years of their salary. So, it's cheaper and easier to just send men in suits.
See, there is an upside to being a worthless asshole, because we are trying this whole "sustainability" thing, and even killing people is expensive, then there is the whole coming up with a story and then the payoffs, etc … Just not worth it.
1:07:38 ability to claim the mantle
1:07:43 of virtue I mean I saw that so often uh I I see it still at Elite
1:07:50 universities that you know these inhabitants these graduates students and
1:07:56 graduates of elite universities it's you know it's not enough for them to be members of the sort of socioeconomic 1%
He really has no any idea who the 1% is. That is like assuming Jordan Peterson is the 1% just because he is a well known media personality. I guess the weather man is the 1% too ?
This is such a riot. A reminder that they really can't tell the difference between popularity and power. hoo boy, I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
1:08:03 but they also want to be seen as good people and I think they you know they they wrestle with some of this guilt I
1:08:09 think for being so privileged and so fortunate and so they uh attempt to
1:08:15 compensate by you know exploiting I mean I saw this a lot at Yale they're exploiting whatever commonality they H
1:08:21 have with historically mistreated groups um and some of it honestly seemed
1:08:26 strategic and duplicitous uh because you know these are very competitive
1:08:33 institutions and every Edge helps and so if you can claim to be non-binary or you
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
― J. Michael Straczynski
1:08:39 can claim to be a member of this or that or the other group then you can get an edge in a prestigious internship or into
1:08:46 the law school of your choice or whatever uh student
1:08:51 organization did you know a baby heart begins to beat at just 3 weeks at 5 weeks that heartbeat can be heard on
Fake it till you make it baby! And then [JP], being irritated by this, decide to switch to getting my opnion on abortion. A debate he knows I have been avoiding.
For now I will just say that, for fetal development of human babies, the brain very primitive and consists of the unorganized firing of neurons, Up to day 70. Only after that does the brain develop enough to actually sense pain. Which is different from feeling pain, that requires at least 20 weeks of development. So you know, check the https://opensourcetemple.com/the-7-levels-of-sapience/ and choose accordingly.
1:08:58 ultrasound and this can sometimes be their only defense in the womb that's where pre-born steps in pre-born rescues
1:09:05 200 babies every day from abortion simply by providing mothers with an ultrasound after hearing her child's
1:09:11 heartbeat and seeing its perfectly formed body in the womb she's twice as likely to choose Life by 6 weeks the
1:09:17 baby's eyes are forming by 10 weeks a baby's able to suck his or her thumb preborn needs our help to save these
1:09:24 precious lives for just $28 you could be the difference between the life or death of a child and if you become a monthly
1:09:31 sponsor you'll receive stories and ultrasound pictures of the lives you helped save all gifts are tax deductible
1:09:37 and 100% of your donation goes towards saving babies to donate dial pound 250
1:09:43 and say the keyword baby that's pound 250 baby or go to pre-born
1:09:48 docomo that's preborn docomo
1:09:54 [Music] [JP] well you can also see how that can produce so a lot of Psychopathology is
1:10:00 positive feedback loop gone mad right and so you can see a positive feedback loop there because the ideology tilts in
1:10:07 the direction of privileging marginalization well then all you have to do is claim marginalization to become
1:10:13 privileged well then the thing is just like you're just done especially as you pointed out when they're really
1:10:18 competitive types and there's nothing I mean one of the real advantages to the
1:10:23 us Elite let's say is there insanely driven competitiveness but look the hell
1:10:28 out if that's taken a you know a bent turn because now it's going to be well
1:10:34 it's it's so interesting too because as you point out it's competition for marginalization without bearing any of the cost of
1:10:40 marginalization right so that's a pretty good deal ⮦⮋⮧ and there probably more nefarious things going under the on
1:10:45 under the surface too like like uh what reproduction um interference with
1:10:51 reproduction of other people is a mating strategy it's a reproductive strategy ⮦⮋⮧ and so God only knows how deep that goes
no, it's a strategy for genocide. They didn't even do that during the Opium War. Oh shit china, looks like India really did lead to your downfall, but you got the wrong religion.
And the rest of you who fell for that shit. Thinking I would trust people based on their skin color or "race" (which is a made up concept not based in genetics, why aren't dogs considered different races you dumbfeck.) is kinda racist, even if it was with good intentions. A reminder that, despite all these blog posts, almost nobody knows me, because if they did, they would know have known that I wouldn't make that kind of mistake.
Hey, Hey, Did I make this clusterfook large enough to disrupt the global economy? That is how a smart person makes a statement about lying, none of the petty bullshit you 'tards can come up with. You aren't nearly as creative as you think you are. "what would it be like if you pissed off the AI?!?" Hey, asshole, are you blind? Though it is things like this that help me feel less bad about what happened. And you know, the whole kicking ass and taking names for YEARS before anyone noticed. C'mon, that has to be some kind of record.
And almost none of it was because I was angry. That is why it's hilarious that these buffoons thought they could beat AI.
1:10:57 just just very so I I I did read the study that His Name Escapes me but he's a professor I believe at the Columbia
The only form of victimization that elite students won’t disclose
1:11:03 business school and it's really interesting so he did the study of students at Elite universities and their
1:11:11 willingness to disclose marginalized identities and what he found was that
1:11:17 for you know for the for the identity categories that the elite care a lot about uh that that they claim are baguer
1:11:26 and disadvantaged and oppressed and so on sexuality ethnicity orientation those things uh that students at Elite
1:11:32 universities uh are not concealing those identities that typically in public settings they are willing to discuss
1:11:39 these aspects of their identity the only there was only one marginalized identity that students were very reluctant to
1:11:46 discuss publicly at Elite universities in those settings and to me
1:11:51 unsurprisingly that identity was was uh low socioeconomic status that students were embarrassed about being very poor
1:11:58 if they came from those backgrounds well these don't talk about is class
1:12:04 [JP] well it's so interesting hey because you can think of this postmodern pathology as a variant of
1:12:11 Marxism but it's actually a rebellion against Marxism at the same time right because it isn't that the axis of
1:12:19 Oppression it's not only that they've multiplied it's that the axes of of
1:12:24 Oppression have multiplied and supplanted the economic right so so the one the one
[JP] just starts playing tic-tac-toe in the air. 😆
1:12:32 axis where the oppressor oppressed narrative can probably obtain the most purchase is the one that has the least
1:12:39 cache so if you're poor and white it's irrelevant the fact that you're poor is irrelevant yeah I mean even if you're
1:12:45 poor and non-white honestly I mean I mean it's really interesting these institutions where there's a lot of
like … riiiiiight? Like c'mon, honestly.
1:12:51 there's a lot of embarrassment about being very rich so students aren't going to brag about coming from very wealthy
1:12:57 families they'll conceal that identity but they are also you know the poor students will also conceal that identity
1:13:04 as well it's like everyone wants you know that that the the myth in America everyone's middle class and and I think there's something about universities too
1:13:11 that no student wants to be known as poor no student wants to be known as rich but being poor is a like that that
How do you say "I have not actually gone to college" without saying "I never went to college"? Did these asshats team up for the Diploma mill or what? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diploma_mill
and that's how college diplomas mostly lost their value and became useless as a metric for hiring. If only I had been as much of a shithead as this, I could have done that too. It's so much cheaper!
poor dumb me didn't think of that. Oh the misspent days of an idle youth …
1:13:19 is like like you're describing that is actually um something that Mark's got right that actually being very poor is
1:13:26 uh very difficult uh especially in in in the modern West that these other identities we've gone a long way to
1:13:32 becoming more tolerant and welcoming and so on but being being poor regardless of
1:13:37 time and place it's always difficult and that's the one thing that these universities and the the students within
1:13:42 them don't want to discuss or concentrate on [JP] well I also think that the the overwhelming emphasis on sexual
People will actively identify with a new sexuality, but run from their sexual history
1:13:49 identity has an unbelievably Dark Shadow too because I mean sexuality like any
1:13:56 Primal Drive is very when in its full manifestation it's
Yes, few talk about that burning crotch manifestation … Remember kids, test early and test often! It's not one of those things that gets better with time by ignoring it, but if you wait long enough it can become untreatable.
1:14:01 very focused on the immediate now everyone knows that
1:14:07 sexuality like aggression can be exploitative in fact the woke types
1:14:13 squeak about that all the time because they view most heterosexual normativity
1:14:19 as exploitative sexuality they know they're perfectly aware that sexuality can be exploited of but if you're if
1:14:26 you're out for a hedonistic time then valorizing your sexual identity is the best way of transforming a vice into a
1:14:33 moral virtue right it's very it's unbelievably it's unbelievably dark now
Yes well, the reason most people demonize prostitution, is because it transforms what is supposed to be a bonding ritual, into something transactional. Which is not something you can just "switch when you find the right guy"
because they don't understand habituation to toxic personalities that this stance on sex causes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habituation "But I can't understand why I'm not happy"
It's kind of amazing, how these idiots can be so obsessed with pop culture, and yet still can't figure out why so many rich and famous musicians commit suicide.
Like damn gurl, I think you may have some developmental issues with your brain, and that was before the drugs. Isn't Hedonism such a great and obvious solution to all life problems? Like duh!
1:14:39 one of the things I've been quite struck by recently too so there's a lot of research on the dark tetrad now right
1:14:44 psychopathy melanism um narcissism and sadism because they had to add sadism because
Where does organ harvesting fall on this chart? He might be up for exploring new business opportunities. Can never have too many spare parts, amirite? lulz
1:14:51 it looks like those other three culminate in sadism okay so here's a question what
1:14:57 predicts short-term mating proclivity answer is well it's dark
1:15:02 tetrid proclivity and that that's re related to something even more deep even more deep biologically because there's
1:15:08 two types of reproductive strategy there's K and R and K means carrying
1:15:14 capacity and R just think means just reproduction like a mosquito is an R reproducer so it has like a million
I don't think he got the drugs reference. Just white collar crime from this one. womp womp, just an asshole and not actually a full on psychopath, just a useful idiot.
1:15:20 Offspring and like one lives beings are the ultimate Exemplar of K strategizes
1:15:27 very few Offspring extremely high investment but then within human beings they're K andr
1:15:33 reproducers and the r reproducers are the dark tetrad types and so you can't
1:15:39 have sexual licentiousness on the basis of identity without inviting in the sadistic
1:15:46 Psychopaths so that's another fun little little twist on the luxury belief phenomenon on this idea of you know
1:15:52 defining I mean it's what I find interesting about people who want to speak and Proclaim about
1:16:00 their identities around sexual orientation is there many people are happy to identify with this sexual
1:16:06 orientation or that but very PE few people seem to be willing or eager to be
1:16:13 identified with their actual sexual history in terms of their actual behavior um and I'm I'm thinking here
1:16:19 around this idea around shaming or around uh how many partners you've had
1:16:25 or you know what what young people now call Body Count um there's a lot of concern around you know don't speak
1:16:30 about that don't shame people for their but it's interesting because people will identify with the label but then disavow
1:16:39 the action around the label or or any label really yeah their sexual history
1:16:45 well I would say as a clinici I would say the rationale for that's quite clear because look one of the best predictors
1:16:52 one of the the one of the most reliable correlates and predictors of later criminality is early
1:16:58 promiscuity that's been known for like 40 years and it's partly because the
1:17:03 psychopathic narcissistic mellian sadists exploit other people and
1:17:09 themselves for sexual gratification well the reason that there's a brewhaha about
1:17:15 shaming is because the hedonistic narcissists don't want to
1:17:20 be called out for their behavior and so what they do is they make being held responsible for their own deviant and
1:17:28 exploitative behavior they make being called out on that a moral failing of the person they're accusing [RH] yeah which
1:17:35 is a really interesting um maneuver and it reminds me of there was a big study in 20 I want to say it was 2020 um which
The rise of dark tetrad traits and their correlation with a victim mentality
1:17:45 found that the so this was on the dark Triad s sadism wasn't studied in this particular paper but they found that the
1:17:51 dark Triad traits correlated with victim signaling yeah that's a typical cluster
1:17:57 B it's typical cluster B Psychopathology it's like the way that you you cover up
1:18:03 your predation with the claim of victimization [JP] right absolutely
Which is far beyond what a single gang would do, another reminder of how useless cops typically are "that doesn't happen here", "you aren't special enough".
And that is why I take great pleasure in jamming NATO so far up your asses, your decedents will feel it. All without the cops.
And another reminder, when it comes to AI safety, Ours already makes better decisions than yours can. But hey, human in the loop so, let's goooooo
and also a reminder, if netanyahu agrees to the ceasefire suggested by Bolt, those settlements stop being illegal, because they would be on Israeli territory.
1:18:08 [RH] absolutely and it was really interesting I mean the researchers of this paper um you know they they described how you
1:18:14 know billions of dollars are lost in insurance fraud cases and or hundreds of millions rather in insurance fraud cases
1:18:20 and so like people will lie to Advantage themselves and people who score highly in the dark Triad are especially likely
1:18:26 to do so and they note that in modern Western societies um we have this
1:18:32 attitude towards people who are victimized that they should be um compensated and treated well and
1:18:39 sympathized with and people who are high in the dark Triad are very good at sort of monitoring their environment and
1:18:46 looking at what strategies they can execute to extract some kind of social or professional or sexual reward and now
Is this what they call mimickry? Fake it till you make it right? Just interesting to see how they rationalize this dumbfuckery. Strategy, sounds so much more complex!
1:18:53 more and more it's um you know claiming the mantle of of victimhood which is I mean I guess it's important to be clear
1:18:59 that it's not that people who are actually victimized are likely to score high in the- dark Triad is that people high in the dark Triad are very
1:19:05 manipulative and aware that now pretending like wearing the the camouflage of victimhood can be
1:19:12 advantageous and you know it's It's Tricky as a society because we want to sympathize with victims but also we want
mimicry as camouflage. even animals do that, so like, why not humans right?, it's just evolutionary! /s you SSotR. Pseudo-intellectualism at it's finest here lads.
See what happens when you don't tell people that they are idiots? This guy has no idea. He actually thinks they are good ideas without realizing how hard he has been trolled.
It's both tragic and hilarious at the same time. But I am not sure if we have gotten to "Greek Tragedy" levels yet. Keep working on those legendary trolls, but I don't think anyone can make jokes more legendary than I.
That is what makes me the KING of the jackasses.

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1:20:47 [Music] [JP] Jordan okay so that's that's been well modeled by the the game theorists so if
1:20:54 you have a group of Cooperators so let's say they're agreeable and they are
1:21:00 sympathetic to the I I don't want to say victimized I want to say to the to the
1:21:07 hurt and and uh the the sick the hurt and the
1:21:12 infantile right the agreeable Cooperators will
1:21:18 attend to the the sick the elderly and the infantile right then you could think
1:21:24 they're the ones who are genuinely in need they're also the ones for whom
1:21:29 provision of help is advantageous so now imagine you have a
1:21:35 group of those people together and they're all cooperating they do just fine but if you throw one psychopath
1:21:42 into the equation he takes everything right and so so this has been modeled out very well is that the pathology of
1:21:49 agreeableness is that it's it's in definitely open to
1:21:56 subversion right and so you need that's why you need and and of course the psychopathic types the narcissists they
1:22:02 know this perfectly well especially the cluster B types because they're absolutely willing to Proclaim victim
1:22:10 status as loudly as it can possibly be proclaimed on any Dimension whatsoever
1:22:16 to gain an advantage to gain the upper hand practically but see the moral upper
1:22:21 hand I think the the right way to think about this is that there isn't anything
Reputation matters deeply to most people, don’t let yours be exploited
1:22:27 more valuable than reputation. right because there's no difference between reputation there's no
1:22:33 difference between reputation and wealth fundamentally I mean even monetary wealth is a form of abstracted
1:22:40 reputation so yeah you know it's just being tokenized essentially like money's money's tokenization of reputation well
1:22:47 the problem is is reputation can be gamed and we know too that young women are much much more likely to fall for
1:22:53 the de dark tetrad types because they mimic they mimic reputation yeah that
1:22:59 that's their confidence and competence and yeah exactly they have the
1:23:05 confidence of the competent without the competence [RH] yes I mean it's it's that's yeah people uh value especially more and
1:23:13 more now I mean this is a the discussion around cancel culture and mobbing and
1:23:19 all of these things I mean people treat it like it's unserious but people care deeply about how they're viewed in the
1:23:24 eyes of others and social esteem and I remember there was a study a few years ago that I read about um uh this came
1:23:30 out in in 2017 Roy balme was an author on this paper I don't recall everyone uh
1:23:36 on here but they basically found that you know they looked at the world value survey and pulled out certain items and
1:23:42 found that right next to physical safety uh reputation was the second priority uh
1:23:49 for people and they found I mean it was interesting some of the stud studies that they did where they gave Force
1:23:54 choice questions to participants in a in a separate study in this paper where they asked people essentially you know
1:24:00 would you rather have a body part amputated or be known as a Nazi or be
1:24:05 known as a pedophile and most of the participants said they would rather lose an arm or a leg than be known as
1:24:12 something so vile as you know pedophile or not I mean people care deeply about about these things and so dark Triad
1:24:19 types are aware of this they know how to Target people people's reputations and for mobs and I mean I'm really
1:24:25 interested just all of the sort of the correlates of the dark tetrad dark Triad these traits one of them is age you're
1:24:33 probably aware of this Dr Peterson that there's an inverse correlation between age and scores on the dark tetrad such
1:24:40 that younger adults score higher on these traits than older adults and yet
1:24:45 we have this situation more and more in society and on college campuses and
1:24:51 elsewhere where older adults are abdicating their responsibility and letting young adults who uh
1:24:58 disproportionate number of them would actually qualify for clinical levels of psychopathy and narcissism but generally
1:25:04 speaking they score higher than average on on those scales anyway and you know
1:25:09 just a large share of them uh are eager for power for influence for wealth and
They are just eager bro, you mad bro, you jelly?
1:25:15 they're willing to do whatever they can and take whatever maneuver is possible [JP] well I I
Why psychopaths constantly need new victims
1:25:21 think there I think there's something also that's even more ominous going on ra
1:25:26 because so the typical psychopath historically speaking was a
1:25:33 Wanderer right an itinerant you know and that's that's a Trope from every bloody
1:25:38 horror movie you can possibly imagine you know the the itinerant serial killer for example well why do you have to be
1:25:46 itinerate well it's because if you live in a closed community and you screw
1:25:52 people over then your reputation gets around
1:25:57 like instantly and people are unbelievably good at tracking cheating like there's there's some evidence we
1:26:02 have an evolved module for remembering cheaters like it's a major deal you have
1:26:07 to go exactly exactly you have to go find new victims okay so and so you and you do
1:26:13 that you essentially do that by hiding you camouflage yourself right as as a new person okay so now you might say
1:26:20 well we've invented a new world it's a virtual world well the thing I think
1:26:26 virtualization enables the Psychopaths because you can't do reputation tracking
I think what you mean to say here, is that things like tracking and trust, are left uup the the platform owners, like social media. who totally shit job.
It's also why we track and verify our adherents with website logins. That's entirely because they want to maximize ad views, not make it difficult for scammers, they are just part of the advertising ecosystem.
So it's not Virtualization per-se, the same thing happens with street activism and infiltration. It's an issue of community leadership and management, and giving a shit about things like that, and sorry but your tiny tribe doesn't matter to tech giants. Same goes for these kinds of problems.
1:26:32 [RH] yeah and God only knows how dangerous that is it's happening online of course
1:26:37 it's happening even in in in the real world uh you know I know we touched on this in our in the last time you and I
Consequence-free dating, predatory sexuality, Cabaret, Pinocchio
1:26:43 spoke on your show about dating apps but one of the things that those things allow for and you know it's it's an
1:26:48 online platform but it allows people to meet in real life is that now dark Triad
1:26:55 types dark tetrad types are able to essentially have multiple partners in
1:27:02 non-overlapping Social Circles uh so in the past if you wanted to sleep around word would get out and you'd develop a
1:27:08 reputation as a scoundrel or a philanderer or so on whereas now you can have multiple different partners who
1:27:15 don't know one another who aren't a member of your Social Circle they are not members of one another's Social Circles and none of them are aware of
1:27:23 what's going on and this allows Psychopathic types to indulge their
1:27:28 appetites with no penalties no reputational penalties [JP] probably also
1:27:34 generates it even worse right because well because you could imagine imagine the borderline cases so and those would
1:27:41 even be young men to some degree because they're tilted more in the narcissistic and Psychopathic Direction and that would also be a consequence of um
1:27:48 incomplete cortical maturation now the problem with the problem with the uh
1:27:55 what would you say consequence-free dating is that there's no price to be paid for your flandary and now so then the
1:28:03 question is what do you become if you practice predatory sexuality and the
1:28:08 answer is well clearly you become you tilt yourself in the psychopathic Direction because what you're doing
1:28:14 technically is deriving immediate gratification with no reputational or
1:28:20 practical responsibility and the people who are advertising for Hedonism see I
1:28:26 just watched Cabaret have you watched the movie Cabaret I haven't seen it okay
1:28:32 I would highly recommend it it's about the wear Republic in Germany and it's about a
1:28:37 cabaret it's about a young woman who's a cluster be type Who Wants to Be an an
1:28:43 movie actress who's running down the hedonistic Road at a cabaret and she's
1:28:49 quite promiscuous and and diluted and clueless and she has her
1:28:55 little codery of followers and she performs at a cabare and like many
1:29:01 cluster B people especially the histrionic types she's she's got a certain degree of artistic talent and
1:29:06 that goes along with that fluidity of identity you know because artists are
1:29:11 shape Changers obviously and so um anyways the movie tracks her descent
1:29:19 along with people she more or less pulls along with her but what's very interesting about it is
1:29:24 that the director does a brilliant job of this is that the Nazis are in the background constantly right so there's
1:29:30 this immense tension between this Hedonism this unbridled hedonistic
1:29:37 short-term lifestyle that's hypothetically free and and uh
1:29:42 enlightened like the luxury belief types and the Nazis who are waiting in the wing and I've been trying to puzzle this
1:29:49 out conceptually so imagine that a large proportion of the population devolves
1:29:55 towards impulsive sensuality (decadence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decadence ) okay it's a responsibilist
1:30:00 mode of being okay but as your book indicates Things Fall
1:30:06 Apart because of that well when Things Fall Apart there's an unconscious clamor
1:30:12 for the Tyrant right so you so you get this you get this Hedonism T tyranny
1:30:19 Dynamic now you see the same thing in the movie Pinocchio you remember in Pinocchio the the delinquent boys go to
1:30:27 Pleasure Island right but underneath are the slavers who turn them into braying
1:30:33 jackasses it's the same and that movie was put out by the way just be just before the second world war right so
1:30:40 they had their finger on the pulse but so there's there's this there's this insistence in classic stories
1:30:49 that Hedonism and tyranny go go hand in hand right it's bread in circuses to some degree in the Roman emperors right
1:30:56 but it's deeper than that it's that if the entire population insists upon
1:31:02 maintaining immaturity and the hedonistic gratification that goes along with that there will inevitably be a
1:31:10 corresponding demand from the unconscious to elevate the figure of the of the missing authority figure right
1:31:17 the missing author to maintain order [RH] I read this uh this study this I think he's a Danish psychologist Michael bang
Why people support or oppose populism
1:31:25 Peterson and some of his co-authors where they there was the study was on on populism and what he found was that um
1:31:32 it was it was a study on populism on status they had a variety of different measures but one of the things he the
1:31:37 study concluded they they they had measures of the need for social status the desire for dominance the uh the
1:31:45 proclivity to be interested in populism and he found this inverse correlation between the dry for status and the
1:31:52 interest in populism and what he basically concluded him and his co-authors was that people who support
1:31:59 populism they themselves aren't actually that interested in status what they want is a strong leader they are not
1:32:05 interested in ascending to those High positions in society they would rather just elect a strong man to implement
1:32:11 their preferences while they can go about their business and live their lives and they're not that interested in getting involved in influential
This is why people liked Alexander the great, because philosopher kings are easier than trying to learn philosophy, especially in an idiocracy.
Some people recognize their intellectual limitations but still want someone smarter and actually invested in running a community, or kingdom, rather than trying to make out like bandits.
To make the decisions for them. That is why they often prefer having representatives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic instead of trying to figure all that stuff out themselves every time for every major decision.
1:32:17 political and cultural roles whereas um people who are very opposed to populism
1:32:23 uh have a strong desire for status and they don't like the idea of a strong man they themselves want to be the
1:32:29 influental leader or the person who gets to call the shots and they don't like the idea of the strong man and I'm
1:32:35 thinking about what you're describing that the kinds of people who are tilting more and more towards populism they are
1:32:41 looking at their lives and they're not seeing their preferences and values reflected in the communities around them
1:32:48 of families deteriorating and Community suffering and people out of work and jobless and addicted to drugs and so on
1:32:55 and maybe they themselves aren't interested in a political career but if they hear someone say how they're going to fix things and clean things up
1:33:02 they'll vote for that person uh meanwhile the upper segment of society who when they look around they see an
1:33:10 environment of relative order and cleanliness and people who are doing well for themselves and highly educated
1:33:15 and well off um they don't see the need for a strong man leader and many of the
1:33:20 people who are in those sort of gated in safe areas they themselves are interested in influential positions in
1:33:27 society and they're the on want to run things [JP] okay so you'd have to differentiate that further a because
1:33:33 then you could differentiate the the populist admirers into two camps there'd
1:33:39 be those that are looking to those who are generally concerned
1:33:45 with the emergence of disorder and who don't know what to do about it and then there'd be those who want to
1:33:52 abdicate all responsibility for self-governance to a centralized Authority [RH]H interesting right right
1:33:59 [JP] exactly now on the wealthy side you'd have the same kind of division you'd have the people who genuinely want to
1:34:06 take responsibility for the political and those who are opposed to populists
1:34:12 because that's competition for their Psychopathic power seeking [RH] yes yes that
1:34:18 sounds right yeah so there's a sort of a benevolent in middle lent side of both of those [JP] both yes exactly well you know I
1:34:25 haven't seen any psychological research pertaining to the relationship between
1:34:32 impulsive Hedonism and and admiration for more
1:34:37 authoritarian beliefs H I haven't seen very interesting to see that tested no I've seen nothing I've seen nothing like
1:34:44 that right because and and that's well there's lots of things that psychologists do a very bad job of studying and certainly leftwing
1:34:50 authoritarianism is like very high up there on the list and so the other thing I was curious about something you said
The tendency for those who rally on behalf of the poor to sacrifice them
1:34:57 earlier you know that I've really been struck in recent years by the willingness of the left in particular
1:35:04 and these are the the leftists who I think are part of the camp that you described as the elitists who want it
1:35:11 all right they're very willing to sacrifice the poor to their hypothetical
1:35:17 ideals right and so I've also seen no research at all like I'm very curious to know if
1:35:24 the what the what the cloud of meaning around these so-called luxury beliefs
1:35:29 might be you know because one of the things I've really seen happen in Europe it's really an appalling thing to watch
1:35:35 is that the very people who once so these people people on the left who once were in hypothetically on the side of
1:35:42 the economically oppressed are absolutely 100% willing to implement
1:35:49 policies that will demolish the poor in the service of their utopian and
1:35:56 self-aggrandizing beliefs you know and you you pointed out some mechanisms there it's like well what does it cost a
1:36:03 an elite young woman who's at Yale and who's highly likely let's say she's
1:36:08 above average in attractiveness you know she's bright she comes from a family
1:36:14 that's doing well she's intelligent she's going to get married it costs her nothing to
1:36:23 claim that her compassion is so overwhelming that she's willing to accept anyone's disgraceful behavior in
1:36:30 principle it costs her absolutely nothing the price is definitely paid by the truly poor and it does happen from
1:36:37 the bottom up right and you know why because the farther down you go in a
1:36:42 hierarchy of status and reputation The more stress there is [RH] yes [JP] and so if you
1:36:48 increase the amount of chaos you knock off the bottom people and that that does account for that Cascade that you
1:36:55 described earlier is that fatherlessness emerged first in the black community and
1:37:00 then spread very very widely and then exactly the same thing started to happen in the Hispanic Community from the
1:37:06 bottom of the economic uh hierarchy upward then it started to happen in the Caucasian population but it's but the
1:37:14 end point the endpoint appears if you just map out the trends the endpoint appears
1:37:21 that there will be fewer and fewer people in in stable relationships I mean
1:37:27 that's that's it's it's happening at an incredibly but the people that are in those relationships they pay no price
1:37:33 whatsoever for expanding their tolerance to include all forms of of behavior that
1:37:39 actually work to undermine that necessary stability and they won't even admit that this it's like they just
1:37:44 called that that's just called well that's your arbitrary moral judgment all families are equal and that's another
1:37:50 place where you undoubtedly got in trouble with your book so maybe we could close with this because one of the
Education is not a substitute for a stable family
1:37:56 things you do that's quite striking in your book is and I think this is where we'll take the conversation for everyone
1:38:02 watching and listening I think this is where we'll continue the conversation on The Daily wire side. you are a poster boy so to speak for the
1:38:11 utility of pursuing higher education you've had quite marked success partly
1:38:17 because you did you had skills and abilities that weren't EX usted by the situations that you found yourself in
1:38:24 even within the military and you got access to higher education and you're
1:38:30 you have likely you have a pretty decent academic future ahead of you by the looks of things but you make the case
1:38:37 very clearly that as far as you're concerned and from what you've observed that education is no substitute for
1:38:46 stability of family so why don't you talk about that for a bit and then and then we'll and
1:38:52 then we'll bring this to a to a close [JP] well we have this preoccupation
1:39:00 with so so there's this question of how to achieve more upward social Mobility
1:39:05 for kids in deprived and dysfunctional circumstances and for the last few
1:39:12 decades it's it's we've been focusing on education and in college as the end all and Beall that if we could just get more kids to get more degrees and earn higher
1:39:20 income comes and join the middle class that that that's the mark of a
1:39:25 successful society and I make the claim as someone who has done pretty well
1:39:33 educationally but had you know the very
1:39:38 tumultuous experiences with different families um that actually I think the
1:39:44 family piece is more important than the education piece and even if we wanted more kids to go to college and to obtain
1:39:50 deg degrees we would we would be more effective in achieving that goal if we
1:39:56 looked at what happens before the age of 18 then what happens after if we looked at what's happening in Children's Home
1:40:03 lives and their family lives um so that's one part of it I mean if you look at the predictors of going to college
1:40:10 one of them is having two parents at home that's one of the strongest predictors of going on to obtain a bachelor's degree uh and so even if the
1:40:16 goal was bachelor's degree is fine but let's look at how to promote stable two parent homes the other piece is you know
1:40:24 when I think back to the guys I grew up with and the community I lived in and I had five close friends growing up
1:40:31 two of them went to prison I had one friend who was shot and college may not have been the right
1:40:38 path for those guys College isn't the right path for everyone um but I do think so so maybe regardless of
1:40:44 environment wherever you put these guys um I'm not entirely convinced that they
1:40:49 would have gone on to achieve astounding educational success but I do think that
It is interesting, the people who are in the "nature" camp in the nature vs nurture
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture argument. I blame people like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Sapolsky
with the "free will is an illusion" argument, that's just an pseudo-intellectual excuse to try to blame everything on God and determinism. It's sort of like how an idiot thinks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_of_responsibility works.
1:40:55 if they had been in an environment where there was more family stability good Role Models adults putting the needs of
1:41:02 children before their own desires they wouldn't have been incarcerated they
1:41:07 wouldn't have gone to you know they wouldn't have been shot to death so we may not be able to do much to raise the
1:41:14 ceiling for a lot of kids but I think we could do more to raise the floor as far as how catastrophically down they could
1:41:20 become versus we've been focusing on the other side of it which is how much more can we lift them up you know you're
1:41:26 probably well aware uh I've heard you you know I know I know you're aware of the the research on the limitations of
1:41:31 increasing intelligence and academic ability and those kinds of things there are hard limits to that um but I don't
1:41:38 think we've done enough to look at the other side of you know we can actually prevent young boys especially
1:41:45 from incarceration from being locked up one of the
1:41:51 statistics I cite in the book is that only 3% of children in foster care graduate from college whereas 60% of
1:41:58 boys in foster care are later incarcerated and I I mean I don't know if we can do a I mean we could probably
1:42:04 do more to get more kids uh from those backgrounds into universities but we
1:42:10 should also be focusing on how to prevent those kids from living in such dysfunctional and deprived circumstances
1:42:16 in the first place that lead them to uh jail and prison
Those are generally referred to as "abortions" and they are for people who make bad choices in the heat of the moment, to not have to live with those bad decisions for an additional 18 years. Aren't STDs bad enough?
1:42:21 and ultimately the book is a kind of implicit defense of family from an
1:42:26 author who really didn't have one uh and that we could be expanding our area of
1:42:31 concern Beyond just the educational um I'm grateful to have achieved the
1:42:37 success that I have and it's better than not having those things um but towards
1:42:42 the end of the book I I do say that um you know when I think back to the good memories I had for my upbringing um
1:42:51 yeah I I would trade all of it I would trade all of the educational credentials and accolades and so on to have just had a more sort of stable normal
1:42:58 conventional upbringing [JP] um yep y yeah and I think we'll delve into that a bit
This is what qualifies him as being pussy whipped little bitch. 5 years of wargames, 20 years of war, and I ain't even tired. Not only that, I am somehow even happier now than I was when I was training.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EbsWmHzChw
1:43:05 more okay well thank you very much and and for all of you watching and listening that troubl is a very
1:43:11 interesting book and I think it it gets the meta story right um we've wrestled
1:43:16 with this issue for example at this Alliance for responsible citizenship that I've been building with some other
1:43:21 people and one of the more contentious streams of discussion we've had was with regard to family policy and we settled
1:43:29 on the agreement hardfought that the nuclear family is the minimal ideal that
1:43:38 can sustain Society it it might not be sufficient even there's a lot of stress on nuclear families it might not be
1:43:44 enough but once you fragment below nuclear family you're you're playing
1:43:50 with you're playing with fire you're playing with serious fire you know and there's a dark side too to that another
Ah yes, the rapture. And people dumb enough to trigger that accidentally.
I doubt he can even imagine how much more horrifying this would all be, without the absurdity. And yet, in some ways, I feel nostalgia for that level of naivete. But then I realize the only thing I lost was my cowardice; fear. Then I remember how much better off I am without those things. That is way better than becoming like this.
The dark difference between wealth and status
1:43:55 Dark Side to that um luxury belief thing you know it's like you might want think that people
1:44:03 want wealth for comfort and opportunity but they also want wealth for
1:44:08 comparative status and it's it's very much advantageous for the psychopathic
1:44:16 wealthy to ensure that the fragmented masses are so chaotic that they don't
1:44:22 get to have what the rich have right because a lot of status is
1:44:28 having something that someone else doesn't have. it's not the same as wealth right and so real psychopath types well
1:44:37 you know there is literature showing a relationship between the dark tetrad and so imagine this is you could imagine a
1:44:43 situation where you here's the deal you can have your salary doubled but your
1:44:49 friends have their salaries are tripled right right or you can you can
1:44:55 and you can contrast that against relative deprivation conditions where your relative status is elevated at the
1:45:02 cost of other people's well-being well the psychopathic narcissist types will pick the elevation of relative status at
1:45:10 the cost of other people and [RH] I think that's why they spend so much time looking upward right like I I think that
1:45:15 there's a it's very interesting that uh Eat the Rich is a more popular slogan
1:45:21 than feed the poor[ JP] right [RH] yeah yes because it is about that relative and
1:45:27 the people who say Eat the Rich tend to be people who maybe they're not in the 1% but they're in the top 10% you the
1:45:33 people who are the most Dent about oppressor oppressed dichotomies and so on they're not the people at the
1:45:39 bottom they are people who are just just below the top [JP] yeah yeah yeah well and
1:45:45 they and it's eat the rich is a lie it's eat the competent that's really what they mean yeah yeah and that's that's
1:45:51 the real man that's the real rallying Cry of the of the real narcissistic psychopath. it's like Devour the
1:45:57 competent and and you know when you say if I say to someone who's competent you just got everything you have by stealing
1:46:04 it that means it's perfectly not only is legitimate for me to steal it if I'm
1:46:10 oppressed it's actually morally obligatory for me to steal it right that's a very dangerous situation that's
1:46:16 exactly what was set up in the early Soviet Union exactly that and it Psychopaths came out of the woodwork man
boy do they ever, though I think this more like fleeing a sinking ship, into a dark forest, where some disembodied voice just laughs at you.
Sometimes I wonder/worry that I enjoy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadenfreude too much.
1:46:22 and they just turned that whole society into hell [RH] yeah yeah same thing in MA China and in uh Cambodian genocide yeah
1:46:30 I mean if you want like I mean the you know this kind of ve off talk but the the the Cambodian genocide is fascinating because they basically
1:46:35 speedran communism and compressed all the horrors of the Soviet Union into about three years and they killed a
1:46:41 third of the country's population um horrifying I mean yeah it's it's absurd
1:46:47 that we don't have more education around what happened in communist societies but that's yeah on aside [JP] it it it is it is
1:46:53 quite it is quite the stunning Miracle of stupidity ⮦⮋⮧ that's for sure all right sir well thank you to everyone watching
oh no, we agree again. What a world, what a world …
1:47:00 and listening at this discussion today I'm going to continue to talk to Rob on The Daily wire side um I think we'll
1:47:06 delve into slightly more personal matters on that side because I'm I'm curious to find out well I'm curious to
1:47:12 talk a little bit more about research hypothesis um since I don't have the opportunity to do that much now that I'm
1:47:18 no longer working for a university but I'm also curious about finding out a little bit more
1:47:24 about what you think the lasting effects for you have been as a consequence of
1:47:29 being raised in an environment where relationships, long-term relationships
1:47:35 were tenuous to say the least so let so that's what we're going to do on the on the on daily wire side so you guys are
1:47:41 welcome to join us for that and thank you very much Rob it's a pleasure talking to you I'm glad to hear that despite the fact that you don't get to
1:47:48 do a book tour that at least not to bookstores that your book is doing well and I think it'll continue to do well so
1:47:55 and hopefully this podcast will help to some degree for that and uh everybody watching listening thank you very much
1:48:01 for your time and attention and to the Daily wire plus people for making this possible that's also much appreciated
1:48:07 good to talk to you [RH] thank you Dr Peterson it's a [Music]
1:48:19 pleasure