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Therapeutic Prospects of Cannabidiol for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Damages on the Liver and the Brain

This originally appeared at Authors Julia De Ternay, 1 , * Mickaël Naassila, 2 Mikail Nourredine, 1 Alexandre Louvet, 3 François Bailly, 4 Guillaume Sescousse, 5 Pierre Maurage, 6 Olivier Cottencin, 7 Patrizia Maria Carrieri, 8 and Benjamin Rolland 1 , 5 , * Published 2019 May 31 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00627 PMCID: PMC6554654 PMID: 31214036 Abstract […]

Substituting cannabis for prescription drugs, alcohol and other substances among medical cannabis patients: The impact of contextual factors

This article originally appeared at First published: 14 September 2015 Abstract Introduction and Aims Recent years have witnessed increased attention to how cannabis use impacts the use of other psychoactive substances. The present study examines the use of cannabis as a substitute for alcohol, illicit substances and prescription drugs among 473 adults who use […]

Couples’ marijuana use is inversely related to their intimate partner violence over the first nine years of marriage

This article originally appeared at’%20marijuana%20use%20also%20predicted,the%20least%20frequent%20IPV%20perpetration. Authors: Philip H. Smith, Gregory G. Homish, R. Lorraine Collins, Gary A. Giovino, Helene R. White, and Kenneth E. Leonard Abstract Research on the association between marijuana use and IPV has generated inconsistent findings, and has been primarily based on cross-sectional data. We examined whether husbands’ and wives’ marijuana use predicted both husbands’ and […]

Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol: A Harm-Reduction Approach

This article originally appeared at Author: Tod H. Mikuriya, MD, is Psychiatric Medical Consultant, Berkeley, CA, and Presi-dent, California Cannabis Research Medical Group ABSTRACT. Ninety-two Northern Californians who use cannabis as an alternative to alcohol obtained letters of approval from the author. Their records were reviewed to determine characteristics of the cohort and efficacy […]

Alcohol and Other Substance Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among High School Students

This article originally appeared at Authors: Brooke E. Hoots, PhD1; Jingjing Li, PhD, MD2; Marci Feldman Hertz, MS2; Marissa B. Esser, PhD3; Adriana Rico, MPH2; Evelyn Y. Zavala, MPH2; Christopher M. Jones, PharmD, DrPH4 Abstract Adolescence is a critical phase of development and is frequently a period of initiating and engaging in risky behaviors, […]

Cannabis Is Exactly 114 Times Less Toxic Than Alcohol

This article originally appeared at Research published in Scientific Reports rated recreational drugs according to their toxicity, and none of us blinked an eye when we saw cannabis sitting at the very bottom of the list. But maybe a few eyebrows were raised when the report awarded alcohol 1st place in the contest of […]

High potency cannabis use, mental health symptoms and cannabis dependence: Triangulating the evidence

This article originally appeared at Highlights Preferring high potency cannabis was associated with risk of cannabis dependence.Further triangulation with THC concentration did not support these results. Evidence for an association between high potency cannabis use and other mental health symptoms is mixed. Improved methodology is needed to assess cannabis use in research. Abstract Cannabis […]

Cannabidiol protects liver from binge alcohol-induced steatosis by mechanisms including inhibition of oxidative stress and increase in autophagy

Abstract Acute alcohol drinking induces steatosis, and effective prevention of steatosis can protect liver from progressive damage caused by alcohol. Increased oxidative stress has been reported as one mechanism underlying alcohol-induced steatosis. We evaluated whether cannabidiol, which has been reported to function as an antioxidant, can protect the liver from alcohol-generated oxidative stress-induced steatosis. Cannabidiol […]

Marijuana Is Much Safer Than Alcohol And Tobacco, New Study Finds

A new study has quantified the risk of death associated with an array of legal and illegal drugs to find that alcohol was the deadliest of them all, followed by heroin and cocaine. Marijuana, on the other hand, was associated with the lowest risk of death. The study even suggests that we’ve been overestimating how […]