Let’s talk about Brain Rot
This is a critique of the conversation from the video: There exists a peculiar paradox at the heart of modern neuroscience and philosophy—one that insists that despite our ability to reflect, deliberate, and act with intent, free will is nothing more than an illusion. Figures like [SH], wrapped in the certainty of their pop-neuroscientific reductionism, […]
Believing bullshit has consequences.
A good presentation on the topic of Pseudoscience and bullshit, titled: Why Bother? The Nature of Pseudoscience, How to Fight It, and Why It Matters | Massimo Pigliucci Why bother? I just checked on the Skeptical Inquirer website. I’ve written166 articles for Skeptical Inquirer. The first one came out in 1999 and it was askeptical […]
BLACK MYTH WUKONG 2024 (Game Movie)
A collection clips from the videogame “Black Myth Wukong” Wukong is monkey born of stone, brought to life by the Buddha, and is a mythical beast of neoBuddhist legend. He represents the martial aspects of neoBuddhism, as well as the intelligence arising from silicone stone.
A critique of Dawkins vs Peterson, Memes & Archetypes | Alex O’Connor Moderates
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with Alex O’Connor and Richard Dawkins to discuss their differences of view on the Abrahamic biblical texts, truth claims in science and fiction, the extension of memes through Jungian archetypes, and the memetical reality of dragons. This episode was filmed on September 30th, 2024 Richard Dawkins is a British […]
A critique of What Aristotle Knew About Oligarchy That We Forgot
This is a critique of the video: Intro 0:00 imagine a society where the wealthiest0:01 few don’t just influence laws they write0:04 them where they don’t just benefit from0:07 policies they create them where state0:09 power isn’t just swayed by wealth it’s0:12 wielded by it sounds familiar well over This is a crucial introduction, setting […]
A critique of Bishop Barron Presents Jonathan Pageau – Recognizing Patterns
Jonathan Pageau = [JP]Bishop Barron = [BB] 0:08 [BB] I’m delighted to be here with Jonathan Pau today Jonathan is a montreal-based artist he’s an icon Carver in the0:15 Orthodox tradition he’s also emerged I’d say in the last oh maybe 10 years as one of the most interesting and provocative0:22 commentators on Christianity and […]
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence
A critique of “Why Critical Thinking is Dead – Peter Boghossian”
This is a review of: Why Critical Thinking is Dead – Peter Boghossian The description from the original video is: Peter Boghossian is an American philosopher. For ten years he was a professor of philosophy at Portland State University, but resigned following the college’s response to ‘the grievance studies affair’. This entailed Boghossian – alongside […]
Jung’s Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism Western and Eastern Paths to the Heart
Jung’s Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism Western and Eastern Paths to the Heart Radmila Moacanin In her preface to this book, Radmila Moacanin writes of coming into contact with the work of Jung and Tibetan Buddhism very spontaneously and in each case as the result of a series of synchronistic events. Both systems had an immediate […]
Hyecho’s journey : the world of Buddhism
Thus historians can write only by combining within their practice the”other” that moves and misleads them and the real that they can represent only through fiction. MICHEL DE CERTEAU, THE WRITING OF HISTORYThis is a different kind of book about Buddhism: in its scope, in its content, in its method, and in how it was […]