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A new Oxford University study will spend millions of pounds to examine the benefits of the cannabis plant. To sway public opinion about the controversial allocation of funds, England’s most prestigious school got a high profile cosign from a very important British Knight - Sir Patrick Stewart.

"This is an important step forward for Britain in a field of research that has, for too long, been held back by prejudice, fear and ignorance." Stewart told reporters from the Telegraph.

The Star Trek star uses topical CBD sprays and lotions, and eats cannabis edibles at night to help him sleep. So while Captain Picard might not be rolling blunts and engaging warp speed (at least as far as we know) he is a very vocal proponent for the plant’s positives.

“Two years ago, in Los Angeles I was examined by a doctor and given a note which gave me legal permission to purchase, from a registered outlet, cannabis-based products, which I was advised might help the ortho-arthritis in both my hands.” Stewart said.

“As a result of this experience, I enthusiastically support the Oxford University cannabis research plan,” he added. Stewart isn’t legally allowed to use his medicine of choice in England yet, but the Oxford study will hopefully be a push towards legalization.

For Professor X, coming out as a cannabis advocate won’t change much in his life, but he’ll likely get a even more love from the stoners at Comic Con next year.