n essence, the short text entitled Eight Verses on Training the Mind presents the practices of cultivating both conventional bodhicitta, or the altruistic aspiration to attain buddhahood for the benefit of all beings, and ultimate bodhicitta, the profound insight into the ultimate nature of reality or “the ultimate mind of enlightenment.” The first seven stanzas present the practices related to the former while the last stanza presents the practices related to the ultimate mind of awakening.

Verse 1

With a determination to achieve the highest aim

For the benefit of all sentient beings

Who surpass even the wish-fulfilling gem

May I hold them dear at all times.

Verse 2

Whenever I interact with someone

May I view myself as the lowest

And from the very depths of my heart

Respectfully hold others as equals.

Verse 3

In all my actions may I probe into my mind

And as soon as mental and emotional afflictions arise,

As they endanger myself and others,

May I strongly confront them and avert them.

Verse 4

When I see beings of unpleasant character

Oppressed by strong negativity and suffering

May I hold them dear, for they are rare to find,

As if I have discovered a jewel treasure!

Verse 5

When others out of jealousy treat me wrongly

With abuse, slander, and scorn

May I take upon myself the defeat

And offer to others the victory.

Verse 6

When someone whom I have helped

Or in whom I have placed great hopes

Mistreats me in extremely hurtful ways

May I regard him still as my precious teacher.

Verse 7

In brief, may I offer benefit and joy

To all my mothers, both directly and indirectly.

May I quietly take upon myself

All hurts and pains of my mothers.

Verse 8

May all this remain undefiled

By the stains of the eight mundane concerns

And may I, recognizing all things as impermanent

Devoid of clinging, be released from bondage.