
Tax Impacts of Legalization

Cannabis and Alcoholism

Testimonials from Cannabis users.

Announcement: Suggested Legislation for Legalization is available here

Cancer specific Research

Public Health

Cannabis for Medical Use

Cannabis and Driving

Articles on Addiction

Adolescent and Teen trends

Cannabis and Brain Health

Cannabis and Mental Health

Legal Status of Cannabis in various jurisdictions:

Frequently Asked Questions

Fact: Research has debunked the notion of cannabis as a gateway drug, suggesting that the majority of cannabis users do not go on to use harder substances.

Fact: Studies from regions where cannabis has been legalized have shown no significant increase in cannabis usage among young people.

Fact: Cannabis has been found to have medicinal properties that can aid in pain relief, anxiety management, and various other medical conditions.

Fact: While concerns around impaired driving are valid, education, regulation, and robust law enforcement can mitigate these risks.

Fact: Legalization can enable better regulation and education, which are key to preventing abuse.

Fact: There's no substantial evidence to support the claim that cannabis legalization leads to decreased productivity. In fact, some studies suggest that medical cannabis can improve quality of life, which may enhance productivity.

Fact: Each substance has its own unique profile of risks and benefits, and the discussion around legalization should be nuanced and substance-specific. The end of alcohol prohibition did not cause cannabis legalization.

Fact: Cannabis has a lower addiction rate compared to substances like alcohol and nicotine.

Fact: Legalization can actually lead to a reduction in certain types of crime by moving the cannabis market out of the shadows.

Fact: Cannabis legalization can potentially lead to a reduction in the use of other, more harmful substances like opioids, which in turn could lessen the burden on the healthcare system.

Fact: While heavy use, especially in adolescence, may have cognitive effects, moderate use by adults appears to have minimal, if any, long-term impact on cognition.

Fact: While there may be a link between heavy cannabis use and psychotic disorders, the relationship is not casual. Many individuals with pre-existing conditions self-medicate with cannabis as a cheaper alternative.
Rates of psychosis did not increase in jurisdictions after legalizing cannabis as noted with this study.

Fact: Unlike tobacco, cannabis has not been conclusively linked to lung cancer. Some studies suggest that cannabis may even have anti-cancer properties, though more research is needed.